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 Sheikh Zainudhin Makhdum.

Sheikh Zainudhin Makhdum I, son of Ahmed bin Ma'abri, was born at 872 A.H in Cochin.  He settled in ponnani  and being the master of Arabic language. He has several literary works to his credit and including Murshid, Adkiya and Shubul Iman.

He has also written a treatise called 'Thahrees Ahlil Imani Ala Jihadi' appealing the Keralites and Muslims to fight the Portuguese invasion of India. He also established the renowned Ponnani Juma' Masjid.  He was a Sufi saint. a patriot and a great scholar escpecially of the Hadith Literature. The ruler used to pay respect for this saint.

After the death in 928 A.H , Sheikh  Zainudhin Makhdum II( of Fathul Mu'een and Thahfathul Mujahudheen fame) held the reigns of the religious school of Ponnani madrasa. At his hands, the religious institutions advanced in depth and height. The Ponnani Madrasa produced eminent scholars and saints including Umar Khasi and Kunhai Musliar.