Crazy For Potter


Please note that while some of these descriptions fit all mythological creatures of their kind, many are creations of J.K. Rowling found in her Harry Potter series. Descriptions are based off of what is found in her books and only apply to the creatures in her books.

Any creature with a star next to it has yet to be seen in the Harry Potter series. They came from Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, a smaller book that Rowling published for Comic Relief.

The Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures gives classifications for all creatures. These are listed below.

Acromantula (XXXXX) - Large and dangerous spiders from Borneo. The first recorded sighting of one was in 1794. They are not tamable and are able to speak. An example of this species is Aaragog.

*Ashwinder (XXX) - A thin and pale-green snake that is created when a magical fire has been left unattended for too long. They only live for an hour. During that hour they attempt to find a dark place to lay their eggs. The eggs can burn and will destroy buildings nearby. Wizards must find the eggs and freeze them within minutes or they will ignite. Frozen Ashwinder eggs are used in love potions and cure ague.

*Augurey (Irish Phoenix) (XX) - Found in Northern Europe, yet originated in Ireland. It is a thin green bird. It was once believed that the Augurey's cry predicted death, but it has been shown that it really only cries when rain is coming. An interesting fact is that Augurey feathers cannot be used as quills owing to the fact that they repel ink.

Basilisk (XXXXX)- The King of Serpents, it can live for hundreds of years unattended. It is born when a chicken egg is hatched beneath a toad. It is green and can grow up to fifty feet. It has venumous fangs and its stare is deadly. One of these was found in the Chamber of Secrets and destroyed by Harry Potter.

*Billywig (XXX) - Found in Australia. It is an inch-long blue creature with wings on top of its head and spins on a vertical axis. Being stung results in extreme happiness and temporary levitation. Their dried stings are said to be ingredients in Fizzing Whizbees.

Bowtuckle (XX) - Found in Western England, Southern Gemany, and some Scandinavian forrests, it is a small tree guarding creature. It will attack any wizard who attempts to cut from its tree. The Bowtruckle is made of bark and twigs.

*Bundimun (XXX) - Found in homes around the world. It is a creature with spider-like legs that has the same appearance as green fungus. It releases that rots away what it crawls on, destoying the homes it infests.

Centaur (XXXX) - A creature which appears to be half human and half horse. It has the head/upper body of a human, and is attached at the waste to a horse-like body. They can be found in forrests in Europe and are very smart and are able to speak. They are known to be experts in divination.

*Chimaera (XXXXX) - Found in Greece. It has a lion head, goat body, and dragon tail.

*Chizpurfle (XX) - Their look is similar to that of craps with fangs except that they only grow to be 1/20 of an inch long. They often attempt to chew their way through magic wands or drink the substances left in cauldrons.

*Clabbert (XX) - A creature found worldwide that has the appearance of a cross of a frog and a monkey. Has webbed hands and feet and swings on branches. Its head has horns on it and it has sharp teeth.

Crup (XXX) - Has the appearance of a Jack Russell terrier with a forked tail. It loves wizards, but is vicious when with muggles. Wizards have to have Crup tails removed when it is six to eight weeks old so muggles will not notice the difference.

*Demiguise (XXXX) - A creature with the ability to become invisible. It can be found in the far east. Its body is similar to that of an ape but it has long, silvery hair. The hair can be used to make invisibility cloaks.

*Diricawl (XX) - A bird that can change locations be puffing out its body. It then can show up anywhere. Muggles once called this bird a "dodo bird" and believe they caused its extinction. It is not, however, extinct, but simply vanishes when they are nearby.

Doxy (XXX) - Found in Northern Europe and America. Known as the biting fairy, it is a small creature in human form except for the black hair that covers it and its extra pair of arms and legs. They have sharp, venomous teeth. They have wings similar to those of beetles.

Dragon (XXXXX) - Large, flying creatures that cannot be trained. Only trained wizards should go anywhere near them. The ten breads of dragons are: Antipodean Opaleye, Chinese Fireball, Common Green Welsh, Herbidean Black, Hungarian Horntail, Norwegian Ridgeback, Peruvian Vipertooth, Romanian Longhorn, Swedish Short-Snout, and Ukrainian Ironbelly.

*Dugbog (XXX) - Found in Europe, North America, and South America, it is a creature that lives in marshlands and has the appearance of a piece of wood. Its prey are small mammals, but its favorite food is Mandrake.

*Erkling (XXXX) - Creatures with pointed faces that grow to be three-feet high. It tries to draw children away from their parents, but this has not actually been successful in years.

*Erumpent (XXXX) - A creature found in Africa that has a look similar to that of a Rhino. Its horn can pierce metal and the substance inside of it will make anything it gets into explode. While Erumpents do not attack unless provoked, they are still dangerous because of this.

Fairy (XX) - Grow to be up to five inches long, but have the look of humans with wings.

*Fire Crab (XXX) - Has the appearance of a large tortoise. It can shoot fire from its rear.

Flobberworm (X) - Can grow up to ten inches long and are basically useless except for its mucus which can be used to thicken potions.

*Fwooper (XXX) - African birds that come in various bright colors. Their song drives the listener mad. They are sold with silencing charms that need renewed every month.

Ghoul (XX)- Slimy creatures found in attics and barns. They sometimes throw items and moan, but are not dangerous.

*Glumbumble (XXX) - Small, flying creatures found in Northern Europe. They live in hollow trees and caves and have been known to live in bee hives and ruin the honey.

Gnome (XX) - A ten-inch high creature found in Northern Europe and North America. They live in gardens are can be extracked by spinning them several times and throwing them far.

*Graphorn (XXXX) - Greyish-purple creatures found in mountains in Northern Europe. They are large creatures that have hide that is tougher than that of a dragon.

*Griffin (XXXX) - Giant creatures native to Greece with eagle heads and lion bodies. They are often used to guard treasure

*Grindylow (XX) - Water-demon found in Britain and Ireland.

*Hippocampus (XXX) - A creature usually found in the Mediterranean which has the head and front of a horse and the back of a fish.

Hippogriff (XXX) - A creature found around the world with the head and wings of an eagle and the body of a horse.

*Horklump (X) - A creature found in Northern Europe with no apparent use. It looks like a pink mushroom.

*Imp (XX) - Small creatures (six to either inches in height) that are similar to pixies except that they do not fly and are usually dark-brown or black.

*Jarvey (XXX) - A creature found in Britain, Ireland, and North America. Their look is similar to that of a ferret. Jarveys can talk, but only in short, and usually rude, phrases.

*Jobberknowl (XX) - A blue bird found in Northern Europe and America. It does not speak until it dies when it lets out every sound it has ever heard, starting backwards. It is used in truth and memory potions.

Kappa (XXXX) - A water demon found in Japan. It has a bucket on its head. The Kappa lives off of human blood. If a wizard is caught with one, the best ways of getting rid of it are thowing it a cucumber with the wizards name inscibed on it or convincing it to bow. If the Kappa bows, the water in its bucket will flow out and the Kappa will be weakened.

*Kelpie (XXXX) - A water demon found in Britain and Ireland. It can take on many shapes, but usually asumes the form of a horse.

*Knarl (XXX) - A creature found in Britain and America that looks like a hedgehog.

*Kneazle (XXX) - A creature found around the world that looks like a cat. It often has spotted or speckled fur. It has large ears and a tail similar to that of a lion. Kneazles are smart and independent. They sometimes grow to really like a witch or wizard, and in that case make a great pet. It is skilled in finding suspicious creatures and is an excellent guide for a lost master. They can be inbred with cats.

Leprechaun (XXX) - A green, six-inch long creature found in Ireland. They create a fake-gold that disappears after about an hour. Leprechauns have the ability to speak.

*Lethifold (XXXX) - Creature found in tropical climates that have the appearance of an inch thick, black cloak that glides across the ground. The Patronous charm is the only known way to wade off a Lethifold attack. The only known survivor of an attack is Flavius Belby.

Lobalug (XXX) - Found at the bottom of the North Sea. Ten inches long. When threatened the creature contracts it's venom sac, blasting the attacker with poision.

*Mackled Malaclaw (XXX) - Creatures found on the coasts of Europe that are grey, twelve inches long, and look like lopsters. The bite of a Mackled Malaclaw results in the victim having bad luck of about a week.

*Manticore (XXXXX) - A Greek creature with the head of a man, body of a lion, and tail of a scorpian. Its sting kills.

Merpeople (XXXXX) - Water-dwelling creatures found around the world. They have the appearance of a human. Merpeople found in warm waters are similar to those most commonly found in artwork. Merpeople of Scotland and Ireland do not share their beauty.

*Moke (XXX) - A lizard found in Britain and Ireland that can shrink at will. Moke skins are often used by wizards as money bags.

Mooncalf (XX) - Come out only during full moons. The mooncalf has a sleek, grey body and four, spider-like legs.

*Murtlap (XXX) - Found on the coasts of Britain, they have something on their back that looks like a sea anemone. If it is pickled and eaten, it helps resist jinxes and curses. Though this creature is starred for never having been in the HP books, Harry did use essence of murtlap to heal his hand.

Niffler (XXX) - A British creature that is small, black, and has has a long snout. Nifflers are attracted to shiny objects and are often used to help find gold, but should never be kept in a house.

*Nogtail (XXX) - Found in Europe, Russia, and America. It is similar to a pig and will suckle a sow unnoticed. If it is chased off a farm by a pure white dog it will never return.

*Nundu (XXXXX) - The most dangerous beasts in the world. It is found in Eastern Africa. It looks like a large leopard. Its breath causes disease.

Occamy (XXXX) - A creature found in the Far East and in Africa. It can grow to be fifteen feet long and will attack anything at comes near it. Its eggs are made of silver.

Phoenix (XXXX) - A large bird the size of a swan that has a gold tail, claws, and beak and a scarlet body. They can carry large loads and have been tamed by few wizards. Their tears have healing powers. A phoenix can disappear and reappear at will. A phoenix song is said to put fear into the hearts of the impure and put courage into those who are pure of heart.

Pixie (XXX) - An electric blue creature that grows to be eight inches tall and is usually found in Cornwall, England. It can fly, but has no wings.

*Plimpy (XXX) - Fish with two legs. Inhabits deep legs.

*Pogrebin (XXX) - A Russian creature that looks like a shiny rock when it crouches. It enjoys following wizards. If it follows one for too long, the wizard will eventually fall due to despair. The Pogrebin will then attempt to eat his prey but it can be gotten rid of by hexing it or even kicking it.

*Porlock (XX) - A creature found in Dorset, England and Southern Ireland. It is a horse guardian, but hates humans and hides are their comings.

*Puffskein (XX) - A small, circular animal found worldwide that can be thown around and played with without its caring.

*Quintaped (XXXXX) - A creature found in Drear, Scotland. It feasts upon humans.

*Ramora (XX) - A silver fish found in the Indian Ocean that can achor down ships and protect surfers.

Red Cap (XXX) - Found where blood has been spilled.

*Re'em (XXXX) - A creature found in North America and the Far East. Its blood gives strength to the drinker.

*Runespoor (XXXX) - A three-headed snake. Each head has a different purpose. The left head is a planner, the middle head is a dreamer, and the right head is a critic. The heads often attack each other and its common for the right head to be bitten off by the other two.

Salamander (XXX) - A white lizard that lives in fire and eats flames. It only lives as long as the fire it was born from.

*Sea Serpent (XXX) - Found in the Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, and Mediterranean Sea. They can reach one-hundred feet in length and have a horse-like head and a snake-link body.

*Shrake (XXX) - A fish found in the Atlantic Ocean. It is covered in spines.

*Snidget (XXXX) - A round bird with a long beak and red eyes. It can fly in any direction and was used in the game of Quidditch until it became a protected species.

Sphinx (XXXX) - Native to Egypt, it has a human head and a lion body. It is very smart and loves puzzles. It is only dangerous when guarding something, which witches and wizards often have it do.

*Streeler (XXX) - A creature native to Africa that is similar to a snail, but changes colors every hour. The substance it leaves behind destroys all plant life in its way.

*Tebo (XXXX) - Found in the Congo and Zaire. It is a warthog that can become invisible.

Thestral (no classification) - A threstal is a type of winged horse. Creature with a dragonish face and neck and the body of a winged horse. Only those who have seen death can see thestrals.

Troll (XXXX) - Twelve-foot tall creatures known for their strength and lack of intelligence. The three types of trolls are: mountain, forrest, and river.

Unicorn (XXXX) - A creature found in Northern European forrests that looks like a pure-white horse with a horn. The babies are golden colored, and turn silver before adulthood. Unicorns willl usually only allow a witch to touch them. Their horns and tale hairs are used in potions and wands, and their blood will keep a drinker alive even when he or she is close to death, but the drinker will suffer from a cursed life afterwards.

Werewolf (XXXXX) - Humans become werewolves when bitten by one. They are only dangerous during full moons when it hunts humans.

Winged Horse (XX-XXXX) - There are many types of breeds of winged horses, including the Abraxan, Aethonan, Graian, and Thestral.

*Yeti (XXXX) - Creatures that can be found around the world. They grow to be fifteen feet tall and have long, pure white hair. They eat anythying in their paths. They fear fire.

This site is in no way affiliated with J.K. Rowling, Bloomsbury, Scholastic, or Warner Bros.. We claim no rights to Harry Potter. This is just a fan site, run by a few teenagers. Please note that all pictures found in the C4P Encyclopedia are drawings by Marie Grandpre and do not belong to us.