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Welcome to Break the Bondage

"You, like everyone else, were born into Bondage" - Morpheus, The Matrix

This is not a joke, a prank. This is meant to change your life. To help you start living without fear of your peers. If you like what is said here, you can start your own Break the Bondage.

Break the Bondage Main Ideas...What is Break the Bondage?

Break the Bondage is all about breaking the bonds of society. What does I mean? I am talking about how society tells all of us how we are supposed to look, act, and live. IT tells us that we can't be complete without their product, or if we don't look like this. It tells us that "cool" people do certain things, and it tells us that "cool" people don't do certain things. All of have grown up believing that this is true, but this site is here to tell you differently. We have beauty magizines today, telling us how we are supposed to look, how we aren't supposed to look, what to where, when to where it. Guys are packing themselves into gyms, trying to look how Calvin Klein and People Magizine tell them they should look like. They are wasting their lives trying to make themselves perfect. If you truley can break the bonds of society, you will realize that you will never be perfect.

Society tells us what we "need" and what we don't need. They have people in their 20's and 30's working crap jobs they hate, to buy shit they don't need. They keep them in their bondage by making them keep working to buy the shit that billion dollar fashion and electronic companies tell them they have to have to be complete. If they could give up that stuff, refuse keep buying bigger TV's and stereo's, and the latest fatty foods, and memberships to gym's and clubs. None of this shit is essential to their survival, so why are they concerned about it? If you want to break the bondage, you must learn to truly let what dosen't matter to you, slide. Just ignore it and let it go, and keep on working towards whatever you want in your one shot at life. If people could stop buying all that shit i just talked about, then they wouldn't be so dependant on their jobs and could try and find better one's. Jobs where they do what they want to do. But first, they have to give it up, hit rock-bottom, and break their bonds.

2. To Break the Bondage of society, you have to do certain things. These things aren't easy. You have to reject society, and all its beliefs. All of those lies about what you have to do to fit into their society. You have to completly stop caring about what other people think. Stop worrying if your hair is perfect, or how cute your outfit looks. You will die. Accept that. And after you die, no one is going to care how you looked. In all probability you will be forgotten. Unless you take a stand. Do what you want to do. Don't worry about what others think about you. Their beliefs are not their beliefs, but society's beliefs. And since you have rejected society because you have come to see that it is a lie, you no longer want to hear about what society has to say about you. You are your own person, you are the master of yourself. Stand tall and be proud. - Oro

3. I just said that you are the master of your own body. This means that you can't be afraid of pain. Fear of pain holds us back. You are the master of your own body. Therefore you accept the pain your body is telling you it is in, then you tell your body you are not going to let that pain stop you. -Oro

Message of Breaking the Bondage for today

Last Updated- 8/20

I have finally discovered that this site, and everything it stands for, if it wants to acheive its lofty goals, must first render the world into a anarchistic state. Complete destruction of all technology. No government. All problems stem from technology. We wouldn't be worrying about nuclear war if we all lived in a hut and were struggling to survive. Having to work to live. The human speices have stopped evolving because we no longer have to work to stay alive. The exact reasons for me thinking this is a long process, and needs to be told personally. If you really want to know more, please email me at or Instant Message me at Orocusaki. -Oro

Below is the guestbook. If you have a BtBM (Break the Bondage Moment), a time where you took a stand against society, even in a small way, you can post it here.

If you have any questions about Break the Bondage, feel free to email me at
