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Things To Do With Dead Glow Sticks

1.Direct traffic.

2.Empty it and use it as test tube for class.

3.Cover it with wax and use it as a candle.

4.Use it as ammunition for a gun.

5.Claim it as something given to you by aliens, so that you may be the centre of all talk.

6.Hang them on Christmas trees. Perfect gift for those relatives you have never met but are forced to buy a gift for!

7.Build a house?

8.Sell them, hell! might as well make back that money right?

9.Start a collection, trade with your friends.

10.Base a religion around it.

11.Scratch your back.

12.Take it for walks.

13.Introduce it to your parents.

14.Use it as a doorstopper.

15.Take it out on dates.

16.Make a belt.

17.Paint a face on it, you never know, it might just become your best friend.

18.Give it a bath. hey! everyone deserves to feel clean.

19.Glue it to your head and go shopping ~ watch people's reactions, jot them down.

20.Make male genitalia enlargement, yes boyz, your dream come true is here.

21.Play fetch with your dog.

22.Throw it off bridges in attempt to trick the laws of gravity.

23.See how far back you can shove it down your throat, great entertainment for parties!

24.Play fetch with your crippled grandmother.

25.Throw it in a lake, place bets to see if it will float or sink.

26.Use it as a drumstick.

27.Use it as one of the handles on your clock?

28.Run around like a lunatic while waving it in your hand.

29.Give it its own room in your house, it deserves privacy you know.

30.Give it a name.

31.Marry it to your toaster.

32.Write a book about it.

33.Tell it that you love it.

34.Plant it in your garden.

35.Blame it for all the misery in your life.

36.Introduce it to your boss, I'm sure he'll give you that raise you've been asking for.

37.Introduce it to your therapist.

38.Introduce it to your crippled grandmother.

39.Scare people with it.

40.Beat people with it for sexual pleasure.

41.Put it through college.

42.Send it to get a haircut.

43.Send it to get booster shots.

44.Get it a talk show. Watch the rankings skyrocket.

45.Buy it a Coke..or a Pepsi.

46.Get it registered to vote.

47.Make it the drummer of Oasis.

48.Get it to sue Oasis ( yes the drummer did sue them and later wrote a book about it )

49.Get it to write an unauthorized biography of Oasis.

50.Get it drunk.


52.Tell it to get a job.

53.Cry with it.

54.Spray it with Spam.

55.Tell it to quit smoking.

56.Give it mouth-to-stick in hopes of reviving it.

57.Bring it together with other sticks for a reunion party.

58.Send it off on vacations.

59.Pamper it.

60.Use it as a roller.

61.Use it as some sort of compass.

62.Scream at it as it drops out of college.

63.Teething toy ( could this replace one day the all famous soothah?? )

64.Juggle with it.

65.If you have swimmer's ear, this may be a solution.

66.Use it as a stylin' shoehorn.

67.One word: TAMPON!

68.Make funky earrings. Yea..right and get weird looks =]

69.Replace trendy cigars, smoke 'em.

70.Attach two together with a chain and: instant numchucks!

71.Pretend it's a microphone, for when you just HAVE to sing.

72.To hell with wood, use it to light a campfire, wait a sec, plastic melts doesn't catch on fire...does it?

73.Dip it in ink and use it as a pen.

74.Perfect for tossing at your buddy's head.

75.Put in crotch area for that äre you happy to see me "look.

76.Bring it to a rave, for öld times sake