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Ten Rules Of Raving

1. Knowledge is power in all scenes, so don't be afraid to ask the "old schoolers" questions, no matter how stupid you may think they (the questions, not the "old schoolers") are.

2. The scene is based on the music, not the drugs, if you can't have fun at a party sober then you shouldn't be going at all.

3. If you do choose to do the drugs PLEASE do so responsibly. If you go to the gas station the morning after a party and the clerk can tell that you are on drugs then you have done too much. And never buy from someone you do not know-- if you do then eventually you will get ripped off and/or you may put something into your body that you can't handle.

4. If you choose to do drugs be discrete about it. Drugs ARE illegal! They are what gives the scene a bad name, so be smart about it, it only takes one arrest/OD/bltantly obvious drug user to shut down an entire party.

5. VERY IMPORTANT-----Know your promoters. Ask around before attending an event thrown by a promoter that you have never heard of. This could save you a night of stress and $$$$$.

6. Know the music. If you can tell the difference between glass and crank, but don't know the difference between Ambient and Happy Hardcore then maybe you need to re-evaluate your priorities.

7. Practice PLUR......Peace, Love, Unity, Respect. If this is a bit too much for you to do all at once then at least start out with Respect, for EVERYONE.

8. Try to steer away from forming cliques, this isn't high school.

9. Have fun and DANCE, that's what it's all about. It doesn't matter if you can dance or not(Gilligan or Fred Astaire). If you are contributing to the positive energy of the party then that's all that counts.

10. Years from now (or even now) remember what it was like to be a newbie to the scene and treat the newbies you meet the way that you want to be treated now. Educate them; don't look down upon them, they are the only way that the scene will continue to thrive.