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HeRe'S a GLiMpsE oF Me & tHoSe iMpoRtanT to mE In tHe DiFfEreNt ALbuMs i MaDe. CoNtRoL yOuRsELf cAuSe ThErE ArE SoMe PreTTy HOT PeEps iN HeRe. ToO BaD i'm NOT oNe oF TheM. HaHa. So IgNoRe mE & eNjoY tHe eYe CaNdy...HeHe =D

*~*YoUnGeR YeArS

*~*SuMMeR FuN 2004*~*

*~*FaMilY EnGagEmeNt*~*

*~*FaMiLy WeDDinG*~*

*~*JuSt ChiLLin'*~*

*~*NeW YeArS 2006*~*

*~*ANnuAL 19th BdAy '06*~*
