
Grotbags was made by Central Television and filmed at Central studios, Lenton Lane in Nottingham over a two and a half year period.
Colin Clews who had worked with Carol on the EMU shows produced the series.
The exellent puppeteer Richard Coombs who had worked with the Jim Henson Creature Shop and various well- known films and TV programmes built the puppet characters and brought them to life.
Grotbags was born from an idea of Carol and Richard Coombs who at the time was Scally the dog on CITV.They both got on and Carol mentioned about an idea of a show with puppets and Carol asked him if he could make them and he said yes.
They wrote episode 1 together and took it to Mr. Lewis Rudd N.B.E. who was the executive producer for CITV and he commissioned Grotbags and it ran for 5 series!.
Colin Clews came out of retirement to produce Grotbags, Colin was well respected and loved with a long career in Television having done Palladium shows and Morecambe and Wise ETC.

Woman Behind The Witch
Brief bio
Grotbags was brought to life by Carol Lee Scott when she joined Rod Hull and Emu and spent fourteen years playing her .
However before being the green-faced witch who was to become a childrens TV icon Carol Started life in Somerset becoming a disc jockey and starting her own Rock 'N' Roll band.
Carol also had her own Cabaret act and worked for many years for Sir Fred Pontin and performed in many West End night clubs.
During this time Carol worked with many famous entertainers such as THE FOUR TOPS, GLORIA GAYNOR, NORMAN WISDOM,TOMMY COOPER and MORECAMBE and WISE.
Carol took her act across the ocean where she sang throughout Scandinavia and spanish holiday venues and in many Cabaret venues in Europe. Carol has even released two albums on vinyl from her Cabaret days.
Rod Hull asked Carol to do Emu whilst at one of her holiday venues and Carol explained to Rod she had always wanted to be a fat fairy who got it all wrong but Rod asked Carol would she mind being a witch instead.
Carol agreed so long as she was not very nasty but funny. Carols nickname at the time was Miss Grot (how lovely!) when telling this to Rod he said " good you can be Grotbags" and thats how Grotbags was formed.
Grotbags was to be orange but the make up just didn't work very well so Carol changed it to green and added Grotbags "black" missing tooth and raised eyebrow and added her comic style to the character.
Now Carol has completed 42 years in show business 14 of those years playing the great Grotbags. Now retired back to Somerset with her husband Bill and their little dog Barny with the odd radio and TV interviews
Carols Cabaret record "little bit of love" has recently been re-issued and is available from the link below!
Carol is a kind hearted person who is a much of a loon as Grotbags was in real life and although Grotbags has been put away in the closet she is still alive in the happy memories or frightful nightmares of the children of today and yesterday.
For More info on Carols Re- issue check out Licorice Soul

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Grotbags is Trade mark by Carol Lee Scott .All images and information in this site is © The Grotbags web site and their respective owners and should be taken by no one else!!