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well, i know you probably just don't care, but i thought you should know a little bit about me before continuing. . .

name: sara
location: louisville, ky
school: yes, i attend. . . sometimes ;-)
status: single. . . ¡claro que si! But, have no fear, for i am looking and i know you love my sexy bod (LOL... amusing, no?)
music: love it. . . i'll tell ya my fave bands later
height: 5'8 (possibly 5'9)
weight: like i'd really tell you. lol (92 lbs... haha)
eyes: blue...
hair: brown (natural..hehe)


umm. . .yeah, my hobbies include: going to movies, listening to music, chillin with friends.
my aim sn is sara9962. . so you can IM me or w/e. . . you could
e-mail me too.

and, just in case you are interested: the song "Californication" says Cobain. and KURT ISWAS SEXY!!!


shoutouts *quiz results* links