
Rachel's Page

Erin's Page

Brett's Page

Ben's Page

Daryl's Page

Eddie's Page





((more to come))

Hey this is our new front page I had to redo it on angel fire because expage was just being gay...  Well hear it is all new and pretty. I will try and add some pictures to this but they usually don't show up. But i will try later. 

Me and Erin live some where were u cant find us and we are old enough to know better. 

For every one who doesn't know that Rachel is obsessed with (( uh there are a few people who i think is hot but im obsessed with any one. yet... wait yea im his name is *%&$^ ha-ha .)) so you probably will see his name every where.  and Erin is obsessed with (Aaron her bf))

All over the pages there are inside jokes that only us really understand so if u don't understand them then I'm really sorry I'm not going to take time out to explain them. Well I think there is one on each page or at least 5 or 6!! But oh well that's ur fault for not hangin out with us!

Hey if u are my friend or Erin's friend and u want us to put a link to ur page or u want me to make u a page then please e-mail me




But as u can tell all the pages are under construction so yeah!!

Check back later on next week and our pages should be all done!!

I am trying to make all the pages and get them all to work and the pages to work and the pictures to work too. But they dont work but oh well who cares!!

April 11 2003

I made like lots of updates on all of the pages! Oh well umm Bryan's is little harsh but i think u can get over it. I tried to put pictures but they dont work

I messed up my knee so i have like lots of time on my hands so i will try and finish all the webpages so they dont just say Under Construction! lol!

i took some people's pages off of our web page because they bother me and i hate them so yeah

July 1 2003

I haven't made a update in a lonnngg ass time. oo well. Erin gotz a bf now Aaron freaky huh yes i know. i have a bf too but im gonna dump him Mike yeah he is 17, and like his ass is grass because he is cheating on me, oo well i got Ryan so yeah. Me and Dino have lots of shows coming up yeah.

And i got a job, at the barn i now give ridding lessons to little kids and i do barn work. great huh.  so i wouldn't be able to update  for a while because i will be working over the summer. so yeah

Ummm nothing new with Erin besides she is going out with Aaron, so yeah.

July 10 2003

Yes, finally i redid the fount page, i was that bored today. took me forever to find a layout that was cute enough and then fix it yupz. oo well i will live right, but yea. its not all fixed up yet but at least i have a new layout done. i might have each update be a separate page or will that be way to much html for me to work with i don't know i might give it a try.... who knows.

Nothing new has happened between us all, really nothing has. i really dont want Ryan any more but then i do, so yea i don't know. friend of mine wants me to hook up with a friend of his but i dont think this friend likes me, oo well.

Erin is fine with her bf Aaron for now i think i dont know, they need to just yea, go off and have sex or something, its getting quite annoying how uh there whole phone convo is i love u.....i love u....i love u... its really annoying.

nothing new with me and and mike broke up....he called me a bitch...o well... lolz i really dont care i will just find someone new. lolz

July 14 2003

Yes, i know my pics dont work. it sucks cuz this was a really cute layout. i think at least. oo well. I just wanted to updated everything before i go back to school and then i won't have time.

I have been up since 6:30am something and i went to bed at like 5:30am!

I have nothing else to do i have been so bored over the summer break i glade we only have like 2 weeks left but then i dont want to go back to school.

Erin like never dose updates on this, what a ass bucket.

I have been looking at horses for sale in the past few days for like forever now. its great. found one i really like his name is Louis, tb, colt, and is $900 for all yalls none horse people tb is Thoroughbred.



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