"What do YOU care what other people think?" Dr. Richard P. Feynmen
What's the point of this?
I have created this site in response to my frustrations with Myspace and Facebook. While both are good networking sites, they lack the freedom I enjoy of using good old fashioned HTML and a blank webpage. This site is a catch all for all my interests and anything that I find facinating. Yes, this is an indulgent way of putting my mark on the world, but what the hell, isn't that what we all want? Peace.
Note: This is an eclectic fan site. I am not, nor am I affiliated with Matthew Broderick, Michael J. Fox, Jonathan Larson or any other persons mentioned on this website. Materials contained within this site are here for your individual / personal home entertainment only. Photo sources are gathered from internet and scanned from various magazines. Photos will be gladly taken off upon request by original owners.