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Trish Stratus

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In 1997, Patricia Anne Stratigias was a student at York University in Toronto, working towards a B.Sc. in Biology and Kinesiology with the intention of applying to medical school. During the winter of 1997, the faculty labour union engaged in strike action that lasted for over two months. This forced Stratigias to wait out the labour dispute by finding work. After accepting a job at a local gym, she found herself responding to the urging of her peers there to become a fitness model for Muscle Magazine. It happened that, around this time, she co-hosted a Canadian pro wrestling talk show called Live Audio Wrestling. This caught the attention of the WWF, whose agents told Stratigias that if she felt she had more to offer than her looks alone, she should start training for a wrestling career. Soon afterward, Stratigias began training at the gym of Ron Hutchinson, the same facility where Superstars like Edge and Christian had also trained for the ring. The WWF again had contacted her in late-1999, and this time, Stratigias was ready to start her career as a pro wrestler under the stage name, Trish Stratus, having been a fan since her childhood. Growing up, Stratigias idolized Hulk Hogan, and has siblings and relatives who helped increase her interest in sports entertainment.

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Stratus appears on WWF TV for the first time, on the March 19, 2000 edition of Sunday Night Heat.Her first WWF appearance took place on the March 19 edition of Sunday Night Heat. Stratus appeared on the runway, scouting certain WWF Superstars, in particular Test and Prince Albert. Not long after, Stratus began her first role in the company, managing Test and Albert in the tag team T and A. It was during her stint managing T and A when Stratus had her first taste of punishment in the ring, being driven through a table by The Dudley Boyz. She had been taunting The Dudley Boyz for weeks, in particular Bubba Ray Dudley who was notorious for his fondness for putting females through tables such as Mae Young, and The Kat. Unlike many Divas before her, it only served to wet Stratus's appetite for in-ring action.

More and more, Stratus found herself getting physically involved in the action, taking her bumps from Superstars like The Big Show and Chyna, and even suffering a stinkface from Rikishi. It was not long before Stratus began competing in actual matches, one of the earliest examples being a six-person tag team match at Fully Loaded on July 23, as Stratus teamed with T & A to face The Hardy Boyz and Lita. Although Stratus and her team lost the bout, she was not about to leave that night without making her mark, and proceeded to whip Lita with a leather strap before exiting the ring. Stratus later managed Val Venis to win the Intercontinental Championship, but seemed to be outgrowing managing, as she had bigger aspirations on her mind. These aspirations included challenging for the WWF Women's Championship on a number of occasions against Lita and Ivory, although none of these attempts proved successful.

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In early 2001, Stratus became involved in a storyline with WWF Chairman Vince McMahon, during a time when Vince's wife Linda was "institutionalized" following a demand Vince had made for a divorce during a live show in Madison Square Garden in December 2000. Vince and Stratus's relationship increasingly angered the boss's daughter, Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley and at No Way Out on February 25, Stratus and Stephanie squared off, with "The Billion-Dollar Princess" scoring a tainted win via the interference of William Regal. In the midst of a tag team match that pitted Vince and Stratus against Regal and Stephanie, Stratus found herself the victim of a grand set-up by Vince, Stephanie and Regal. Regal executed the Regal Cutter on Stratus, and Stephanie then dumped mud over Stratus's body. Vince stood over Stratus, and he told her she was a toy that he had grown tired of playing with.

The following week on RAW, Stratus actually gave Vince an apology for the disruption she felt she had caused in his life. Vince then said that the apology would only be accepted if she stripped down to her undergarments, got on all fours, and barked like a dog. Shockingly, she did. Few knew however that this was all part of a master plan Stratus had set into motion to embarrass her antagonist, and at WrestleMania X-Seven a month later, it all became clear. During a Street Fight between Vince and his son, then-World Championship Wrestling (WCW) "owner" Shane McMahon, Stratus rolled out a seemingly catatonic Linda McMahon in a wheelchair to the ring. When the action was taken to the floor, Stratus walked up to Vince and slapped the taste out of his mouth before chasing Stephanie from ringside. Shortly thereafter, Linda stood up out of her wheelchair and kicked Vince in the groin, enabling Shane to gain control of the match and eventually pin his father.

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After her situation with the McMahon family ended, Stratus began focusing on wrestling full-time. On the April 23 edition of "Raw," Stratus was backstage promoting the "Divas in Hedonism" video when she ran into Mr.McMahon. McMahon then placed her in a match against Ivory in which if she lost, she would be forced to join the Right to Censor. However, Stratus displayed some improved in-ring ability, managing to pin Ivory following a modified bulldog.

During the WCW/ECW Invasion storyline, Stratus and Lita attempted to put their past behind them and began focusing on taking out alliance girls, Stacy Keibler and Torrie Wilson. At the Invasion Pay Per View, the two WWF divas took down Wilson and Keibler in the first ever tag team Bra and Panties Match with Mick Foley as the guest referee. The following night on Raw, however, Stratus suffered an injury in her "Paddle on a Pole" match against Wilson. She underwent ankle surgery later in the summer. It would be at least four months before Stratus would fully heal and be able to continue her pursuit of wrestling glory. As she rehabilitated, Stratus kept herself visible by co-hosting Excess on TNN. When she was not doing the show, Stratus continued training and rehabilitation, preparing herself for her comeback in the ring. She received extensive ring training from Dave Finlay, a former WCW Television Champion. Finlay's schoolings served Stratus well; by the time she returned to the ring, she was better prepared for combat than ever.

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Her return came at the Survivor Series on November 18 in a six-pack challenge for the vacant WWE Women's Championship. At this event, Stratus faced off with Lita, Mighty Molly, Jacqueline, Ivory, and former Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW) mainstay, Jazz. Stratus pinned Ivory after unveiling her new Stratusfaction finisher, a modified bulldog headlock which saw Stratus apply the headlock, climb the ropes, and in mid-air, catapult herself backwards to the canvas with her opponent's head still gripped in her arms. Stratus had won her first WWE Women's Championship.

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Although she continually showed significant improvements in the ring, regularly defending her championship, Stratus eventually lost the title to Jazz by submission on a February 2002 edition of RAW. She spent the remainder of the year feuding with the likes of Lita, Molly Holly and Victoria and winning the title on two more occasions. By the end of 2002, Stratus was a 3-time Women's Champion.

Stratus won the Hardcore Championship from Crash Holly, on May 6, before losing it the same night to Steven Richards. Stratus also became WWE's most popular Diva, gracing the cover of WWE Divas 2002 swimsuit magazine (an alternate cover with Lita), and also winning the Woman of the Year achievement award as voted by the readers of Pro Wrestling Illustrated magazine. In the brand extension between RAW and SmackDown!, Stratus was drafted to RAW.

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As 2003 progressed in the WWE, so did the skills the divas possessed in the ring. The term diva lent more on aggressiveness and assertiveness rather than beauty and looks. This was all too apparent as Stratus went up against matches more based on ring skill than beauty alone. After a bitter rivalry with Victoria, which pitted Stratus in several hardcore matches, Stratus was met with a bitter nemesis from the past, Jazz. The look on Stratus's face as returning nemesis Jazz brutally destroyed an already battered Trish will always be an image fans will remember. Now Stratus was up against two women who had a bitter hate for the Toronto beauty that would culminate at Wrestlemania XIX in a triple threat match for the WWE Women's Championship.

At WrestleMania XIX on March 30, Stratus won her fourth WWE Women's Championship in a triple threat match against two of her greatest rivals, the psychotic Victoria and Jazz. Despite losing her title back to Jazz the following month, Stratus stayed in the hunt for another championship. Stratus was engaged in a heated feud with newcomer Gail Kim, who gained the Women's Championship on her first televised WWE match, by winning a battle royal. A miscommunication between Stratus and Kim during a tag team match on RAW (in which Stratus misfired a Chick kick and accidentally nailed her partner) left Kim embittered.

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Two weeks later, the now former Champion Kim, who lost the title to Molly Holly the previous week, appeared to be saving Stratus from a two-on-one assault by Molly and Victoria. Kim helped Stratus to her feet before viciously clotheslining her to the mat. Soon, Molly approached Kim with the idea of forever ending Stratus's wrestling career, and for a time, it seemed as though it would happen. Thanks to an assist from the returning Lita, however, it would be Stratus who gained the last laugh.

Trish Stratus in wrestling gear circa 2003.October 2003 would mark the beginning of what would be Stratus's most emotional WWE saga; the triangle between Stratus, Chris Jericho, and Christian. One night on RAW, as Stratus was being attacked by Victoria and Steven Richards, Jericho inexplicably rushed the ring and warded off the attackers. Even Stratus seemed dumbfounded initially. Soon, however, Stratus started to slowly warm up to Jericho, seeing a side of him that many fans and fellow competitors did not see very often. One which apparently showed warmth, caring, and compassion. Stratus and Jericho appeared smitten with each other. At the same time, Jericho's friend and tag team partner Christian was courting Stratus's close friend Lita. To many fans, neither courtship looked to be on the up and up. As it turned out, they were anything but. On the December 1 RAW, Jericho and Christian were overheard in the locker room mocking Stratus' and Lita's affections, and revealed a bet the two of them had with one another (for one Canadian dollar) to see which man could sleep with their chosen Diva first. Stratus, who was to present Jericho with a handmade Canadian hockey jersey as a gift, heard every word and every laugh from outside the dressing room, and it brought her to tears.

The following week, Stratus and Lita confronted and assaulted Jericho and Christian in front of a nationwide viewing audience on RAW, leading to a "battle of the sexes" tag team match held at Armageddon on December 14. While Christian seemed to take pride in beating down his female opponents, Jericho seemed to want no part of it. Apparently, Jericho was starting to develop true feelings for Stratus, and was having a difficult time going through with the match before him. Stratus seemed to take a lot more pleasure in beating down Jericho than Jericho had in facing her in a match. Soon, it became obvious that Jericho was feeling an enormous amount of guilt for initiating the Canadian dollar bet.

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At first, Stratus was unwilling to show Jericho any forgiveness, but appeared to accept his apologies enough to at least accept him as a friend. Meanwhile, Christian appeared to be harboring jealousy, accusing Stratus of driving a wedge into his partnership with Jericho and labeling her "Yoko Ono." But soon, Christian also appeared to have something of a change of heart, albeit a very condescending one. To the face of Jericho, he was very accepting of his feelings for Stratus...but to Stratus's face, Christian seemed to be courting her affections.


It looked like everything became crystal clear on the February 23 RAW, when Christian was booked to face Stratus in a one-on-one match by. In the dressing room prior to the contest, Christian (feigning friendship with Stratus) promised her he would allow her to pin him. In the ring, however, Christian instead plowed Stratus down with a clothesline, and locked her in Jericho's submission hold, the Walls of Jericho. Stratus was taken out of action for several weeks with injuries, and Christian gloated over his actions. A match was soon signed for WrestleMania XX on March 14, in Madison Square Garden, pitting Chris Jericho against his former best friend, Christian.

It appeared this long and intense storyline would reach its conclusion at WrestleMania. Unbeknown to the fans in attendance, it was only just getting warmed up. Stratus surged toward the ring late in the match, appearing to be firmly in Jericho's corner. Christian, apparently disgusted by Stratus' presence, pulled her violently into the ring and attempted to attack her. Jericho made the save, but when he leaned down to assist his fallen friend, Stratus thrust forth an elbow, apparently believing that it was Christian. Her elbow jabbed Jericho's temple, and Christian scored a roll up pin for the three count. After the match, Stratus appeared to be all apologies, but as she and Jericho argued in the ring, Christian came running back down the aisle, to seemingly get his hands on Stratus in a violent and hateful manner once again. As Jericho tried to hold her back, the fans witnessed the turn of Stratus.

Stratus suddenly reared back and throttled Jericho with two vicious slaps to the face, which Christian followed with the Un-Prettier. Christian and Stratus walked away holding hands, mocking their former friend who sat in the ring looking on with an expression of disbelief. Before they departed, Christian grabbed Stratus's hair, pulled her to his lips, and passionately kissed his new girlfriend.

The following night on RAW, after the two squashed Spike Dudley in an unprovoked attack, Stratus revealed on how she had never forgiven Jericho for the Canadian dollar bet, how her feelings of sadness and hurt ate away at her for months as she plotted her ultimate revenge. She also revealed to the fans how much she "likes it rough." She ended the promo by proclaiming to Jericho and to the world, "You can't get no...Stratusfaction."

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The Stratus/Christian union continued for several more months, and even saw the addition of a "problem solver" to their mix, the hulking Tyson Tomko. As the Jericho/Christian feud reached its conclusion, Stratus refocused herself on the Women's Championship. At Bad Blood on June 13, Victoria defended the Women's Championship in a Fatal Four Way Elimination Match. Lita appeared to have victory at hand following a DDT to Gail Kim, but Stratus moved in for the kill, rolling up Lita from behind for the win and the title. This win was historic for Stratus, as she became the first-ever five time WWE Women's Champion. Stratus held the title for the next six months, fending off all challenges and even tying the record for the fastest match in wrestling history, pinning Nidia in just three seconds on the July 5 edition of RAW. One notable feud in her 2004 title run was with Christy Hemme when Jonathan Coachman was about to announce the winner of the first Diva Search Contest, and Trish Stratus's music hit and she came out wearing a short blue dress. She warned the eventual Diva Search winner that she would be hazing them as part of an "initiation party" next week on RAW.

Finally, after taunting Lita for months over her marriage to Kane and the loss of her baby, Trish defended her title against Lita at Survivor Series on November 14. Lita went berserk on her opponent, smashing Trish with a steel chair and driving her into the ring steps, breaking her nose. Trish did win the match by disqualification, but several weeks later, Chris Jericho, in his capacity as General Manager for the evening, booked Trish for another title defence against Lita on the December 6 edition of RAW. Lita kept her composure and nailed Trish with a Twist of Fate and a moonsault to win the championship.

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On January 9 at New Year's Revolution in Puerto Rico, Lita defended her title against Stratus. Lita tore her ACL when she connected with a Lou Thesz press off the ring apron, onto the arena floor. Stratus quickly took advantage of the situation, nailing Lita with a Chick Kick to the head to win her record sixth Women's Championship. Stratus successfully defended her title at WrestleMania 21 on April 3 against 2004 RAW Diva Search winner Christy Hemme.

In May 2005, Stratus was removed from competition, due to a herniated disc. Storyline wise, she was attacked by Viscera after he failed to take out Lita's "husband" Kane. She berated him after the match and he gave her a bear hug and followed up with a big splash.

Ashley and Stratus after a Bra and Panties Match.On September 12, Stratus returned to RAW and turned face once again by joining forces with Ashley Massaro against Torrie Wilson, Candice Michelle and Victoria. On September 18 at Unforgiven 2005, Stratus and Ashley defeated Victoria and Wilson in a tag team match and again during WWE Homecoming's Bra and Panties Match. A week later, Trish Stratus' "number one fan" Mickie James made her debut, saving Stratus and Ashley from an attack from Victoria.

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Stratus successfully defended the Women's Title in a "Fulfill Your Fantasy" Diva battle royal at Taboo Tuesday 2005.

Trish Stratus met Melina in the ring for the first time on November 14 in a mixed brand diva battle royal. Melina eliminated Stratus to win the bout. On the November 21 episode of RAW, Stratus was abducted by two masked men and carried to an undisclosed part of the arena. When they had Stratus bound and tied to a chair, they revealed themselves to be Joey Mercury and Johnny Nitro of MNM, acting on the instructions of Melina. Melina then challenged Stratus to a match for the Women's Championship the following Sunday at the 2005 Survivor Series, which Stratus agreed to. Melina then kicked Stratus in the head, knocking her and the chair over. At the 2005 Survivor Series on November 27, Trish did battle with what many argue was her toughest opponent since Jazz when she squared off against Smackdown's top women's wrestler Melina. Trish was able to tough out Melina's vicious offense by using a high-risk modified Stratusfaction and a timely interference from Mickie James to retain the title and keep it on RAW.

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On the December 26 episode of RAW, Mickie James initiated an "intimate" kiss with Stratus under a mistletoe. The surprised Stratus, in disbelief, ran from the situation, stressing out James. Mickie James was in another compromising situation with the Women’s Champion the next week. Frustrated that Trish wasn’t returning her advances, James found Stratus in the shower. She took Stratus' towel and wouldn't give it back until Trish heard her out. Mickie finally gave Trish her towel back, but not before complimenting her on her "nice boobs."


This article has been tagged since June 2006. Stratus retained her title by defeating Mickie James with the Chick Kick at New Year's Revolution on January 8 and aftward James made more advances toward Stratus.

The next night on RAW, Trish put her Women's Title on the line against the 2005 RAW Diva Search Winner Ashley. When Ashley went for her first near fall of the match, Mickie entered the ring and attacked Ashley, giving her the win by DQ. Backstage, Trish tried to apologize to Ashley for what happened, but Ashley did not want to hear it, calling Mickie a "psycho".

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The next week on RAW, Mickie held a celebration of her idol, Trish. Balloons and confetti filled the arena and the Spirit Squad performed a special cheer for Stratus. As Trish was having trouble setting the record straight with Mickie, Ashley hit the ring; she told Mickie that Trish did not love her, and that she thought James was a psycho. Mickie was extremely upset by this and pretended to leave the ring before running back in and spearing Ashley. As a catfight broke out, Trish pulled Ashley off Mickie, who used the opportunity to nail Ashley with a Mick Kick. James left the ring happy while Trish was left tending to a fallen Ashley. Shortly afterwards, Trish introduced James to her "date", Jack. Not taking this well, Mickie concocted a plan to remove Jack from Trish's life by dressing up as Stratus and then coming onto Jack. When Jack was unresponsive, she falsely accused him of trying force himself onto her. Jack was promptly arrested (removing him from WWE TV) and Trish began to console Mickie. Trish appeared to be unaware of Mickie's plot to remove Jack from her life.

On the February 20 edition of RAW, Candice Michelle won a Battle Royal to become the #1 contender to the Women's Championship. The following week, Stratus successfully defended her championship belt, pinning Candice with a roll up after Candice's failed attempt to use the ropes for leverage. After the match, Mickie began bowing down for Trish, which led into an uncomfortable hug. Trish pushed Mickie off in embarrassment and frustration, leaving Mickie in the middle of the ring as she retreated to the back.

On the March 6 edition of RAW, Trish finally confronted Mickie about her psychotic behavior. Trish told her that she was too much, earlier Mickie hosted Kiss Cam and started licking the cover of the Divas magazine with Trish on it. She then told Mickie that it would be best if they maintained their space.

Mickie James executing the Stratusfaction on Trish Stratus, at Saturday Night's Main Event.On the March 13 edition of RAW, Stratus successfully defended the WWE Women's Championship against Victoria. During the match Candice Michelle interfered, but Torrie Wilson evened the score by giving the "Nose-Job" to Victoria while Trish scored the victory. Later that night, Trish was looking for Torrie but couldn't find her anywhere. She then asked Maria if she knew where Torrie was. Trish went to the women’s locker room only to find Torrie hurt with Candice’s Playboy issue on her chest, presumably hurt by Candice and Victoria.

At Saturday Night's Main Event, on March 18, Trish and Mickie James defeated Candice and Victoria. Afterwards, Mickie offered to shake Trish's hand; but when she went for a hug and kiss on the cheek, Trish pushed her away. In response, Mickie gave Trish a Chick Kick and Stratusfaction, completing her heel turn. On the March 20 edition of RAW, Mickie James was in the ring with a box and said she had a present for Trish. Finding Ashley tied up in the box, Trish attempted to save her, but was knocked unconscious by Mickie with a devastating Tornado DDT. Mickie then proceeded to plant a bloody kiss on the lips of the fallen Women's Champion, as a gagged Ashley looked on in horror. The following week, Trish was clearly disturbed by video clip that depicted a shrine Mickie James had made for Trish.

At WrestleMania 22, James defeated Stratus for the Women's Championship by the Mick Kick. During this match, it was notable that Stratus had heat from the defiant Chicago crowd. Many believe this is because the fans were somewhat irritated by the length of her championship reign, considering the fact that the belt was not defended for nearing 5 months, due to Stratus' herniated disc.

Pamela Anderson and Trish Stratus kissingThe next night, Trish Stratus and Torrie Wilson were set to face Candice Michelle and Mickie James. When James came down to the ring, she had her hair dyed blonde, wearing Stratus's wrestling outfit and came down to the ring with a theme music that began like Stratus's own. In response to this, Trish began a 3 week stint in which wore short skirts to the ring as Mickie would, and acted bipolar as Mickie would. On the April 10 Edition of RAW, following Mickie's victory over Maria Kanellis, Trish came out dressed in James's old attire, complete with brunette hair, and a Mickie style outfit-short loose orange skirt, colorful top, lots of accessories. After publicly declaring herself as her biggest fan and raising her hand, Trish gave her a kiss, causing a confused Mickie to quickly leave the ring. On April 17, 2006 Trish Stratus came out and had a present for Mickie James in the ring. James came out and it was Trish's ex-boyfriend, Jack, tied up. Trish said if Mickie is the real Trish then she would do something about it, and if she was just Mickie James she wouldn't do anything about it. James understands, but yelled at Trish to leave her boyfriend alone thinking she was the real Trish. The two brawled and James ended up getting a spinebuster. The next week on Raw, Mickie came to the ring dressed normally, but Trish continued dressing as Mickie. Another brawl occurred with Stratus getting the upper hand once again. At Backlash, Stratus & James faced off for the Women's title. Stratus won by disqualification when James wouldn't release a choke hold on Stratus.

According to WWE doctors at the Rupp Arena in Lexington, KY, Trish Stratus dislocated her right shoulder during her match with Women's Champion Mickie James. Doctors managed to put the shoulder back in place. It was reported on May 1, 2006, on that she will require six weeks of rehabilitation. Despite that diagnosis, Trish appeared on several Raw's afterward. For instance, she helped Maria pin Mickie James in a Cheerleader Tag Team Match one night after the injury (May 1). The next week Trish tried to fight off Mickie James but ended up being choked with her sling until a mystery woman came to her rescue (May 8), who Trish eventually introduced as OVW's Beth Phoenix (May 15). One week later (May 22), Trish came out and advised Mickie that Beth is Raw's newest Diva, who promptly attacked Mickie and chased her into the crowd. Trish was ringside to manage Beth in her first official Raw match (May 29) as she tagged with Torrie Wilson to defeat Candice Michelle and Victoria, who had Mickie James as their manager. Trish made her return to the ring on the June 26, 2006 edition of RAW in a Women's Championship match against Mickie James, which ended in a loss. After the match, Stratus would then resume her feud with Melina. After Carlito and Trish were back stage Carlito had his 'do you spit or swallow' shirt on Trish pointed to his shirt and whispered something in his ear. Which made Carltio said 'that's cool'

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