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Tues. April 8, 2003

blindpantomimex [9:58 PM]: yeah... i wanted to see u.
JulJul22 [9:59 PM]: why would you wanna see me....i suck
blindpantomimex [9:59 PM]: nooooo. why would i come see u then
JulJul22 [9:59 PM]: because you have no life

Anywho..went $hopping with the grandma today and scored some awesome shit from hot topic. I got a light blue pair of dickies capris, a pair of olive green army-like pants, and three awesome the BIGGEST hershey bar..Anywho gotta go, time for a ciggie Sun. April 26, 2003

I'm so bored...I'm thinking of re-doing the site completely, but I'm too lazy. It really pisses me off that none of the java works. I have to fix that, but I don't know what to do. Well...short post..nighty night.

Julianne BiTCHED @ 11.16 pm

Don't click the x's because none of the content is up yet...I'm gonna work on that in a little bit. I got the cam up and I fixed the layout, but it's fucking blurry. You might think this shit it easy, but it's tedious have to place everything so's wearing me out!!

I decided to change the layout because the other one just plain sucked. Maybe I'll use it another time. This one I like better...and it only took me about 5 minutes. I'm definetly happier with the results. Now, what to do today? Ryan wants me to hang out later tonight and I'm all for it, but my mom doesn't want me getting in a car full of guys as the only girl. Please, I can take care of myself...and if anyone gets out of line, I always have my pepper spray.

Julianne BiTCHED @ 3:30 pm

Sat. April 5, 2003

Today SUCKED. I had absolutely nothing to do, so I ended up watching Jimmy Neutron all day. And I have nothing to do tonight, either, so I decided I'd start getting the new site up. There's still a lot more that needs to be done, but once I get out of group therapy, I'll have a lot more time to work on it. Other than that, I'm gonna go finish getting the site up.

Julianne BiTCHED @ 8:00 pm