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Heather Jackson
     Now, I do NOT know why I am even talking about this girl...haha, just kidding. We were kind of mean towards each other this whole entire year, and last year. But honestly, it's only becaues of one reason that I cannot, and will not say why, I just don't want to. Anyway, even though we've had some rough times, it's all cool. I was kind of stuck under something, and couldn't exactly act myself, and so that made me and her not have such a great friendship. I am not going to full blame that reason, it's also my fault for being annoying, but hey, there's always got to be that ONE annoying thing in everyone's life, and I guess it was me this time.
     Anyhow, as the year came to an end, we actually saw past our differences, and she probably doesn't know, but I do have feelings for her, (Not like, relationship feelings) but I mean, I care for her, as I would care for anyone in my life. Well...I don't want to say much more...because I just...have my reasons.

Thanks for still being a friend, after all the times I've been annyoing, and plain out aggrivating, I really appreciate it. It does count.