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Words From Our Holy Father

"We are ambassadors for Christ" - 2 Corinthians 5:20

"Christ has made you his ambassadors, the primary evangelizers of your contemporaries." -Pope John Paul II, World Youth Day VIII

Think About That:

An ambassador is someone who represents something to others.  For example, we have ambassadors from one country to another.  That ambassadors represent their country to another for and make decisions for their home country.  So too we are to be ambassadors for Jesus Christ.  We are to represent Jesus to others, especially to our peers.

Take Action:

This week, start a Bible study with some of your friends.  You don't need to have an organized meeting.  Just ask some of your friends. some people at school, or people in your youth group if they would like to meet this week to read from the Bible and talk about what it means.  Your parish priest or youth minister probably had lots of resources to help you. 

Also, there are frequent Bible studies at St. Vincent de Paul.  We hope that if there is enough enthusiasm for the apologetic nights then we will be able to hold them more often.  Please contact Rose, Nat, or Sheryl for information.

Say a Prayer:

Lord, thank you for inviting me to be an ambassador for you.  Give me the strength to represent you faithfully.