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The Top 28 Signs You've Been Around 5MV Too Long

This covers only through Sign # -100. Entries were considered based on humor and applicability to slightly fluctuating degrees (read: subjective). Also there were several entries that were perfectly amusing but touched on the same gag as several others and as a result were eliminated via a sudden-death process involving a dartboard with numbered sections, several darts, and consultation a wise old sea turtle named Bob.
I have rearranged the entries to make the list "look" better, so that's another reason to avoid putting very much stock in where one sign is "ranked" relative to others. And of course I alone had final say on which suggestions I included here, said decision was entirely subjective, and if I were to do this again a week later (or earlier) the list would look quite different.

To sum it all up, this is by no means a definitive Top 25 list, as most of the entries could have been 10 or 20 spots higher or lower, but I enjoyed putting it together so nyah. :D

'Whoohoo deamon pickles! ::Munch::' --Celeste

The Top 28 Signs You've Been Around 5MV Too Long