Star Trek: Cheese
Katy Jane from 5MV was delighted and kind enough to collaborate on this. Enjoy!
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Star Trek lines with 'Cheese' added
- 'You Klingon cheese, you killed my son!'
- Of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the...cheesiest.
- 'Make it Colby (but hold the mayo!)' --Picard
- Matters more urgent caused our absence. Now witness the result. Cheddar destroyed, expansion of the Limburger everywhere. Yes, we have indeed been cheesy, Captain, but no more. --Tomalek the Romulan captain
- 'The Vulcan Vegetable Directorate has determined that cheese is scientifically impossible.'
- Cheese and cheese! What is cheese?
- 'You'll have to excuse my friend, he did a little too much Gouda in the '60's.'
- They assimilate entire Provelones--we fall back on Cheddar! The line must be drawn here! At Swiss, no farther!
- 'I'd just like to ask a question...what does God need with cheese?'
- THERE . . . ARE . . . FOUR . . . CHEDDARS !
- 'You may find that Mozzarella is not so pleasing a thing as Parmesan. This is not logical, but it is often true.'
- Swiss is a cheese best served cold....It is very cold in space.
- 'Spot. This is cheese. Cheese is good.'
- Sir, I protest. I am not a cheesy man. --Worf
- 'A great man once said, don't try to be Swiss cheese, just be cheese and let history make its own judgements.' (KJ's)
- I don't see no cheese on your ears, boy, but you sound like a Vulcan. --McCoy to Data
- 'Ugly Bags Of Mostly Mozzarella we try at peace, you do not listen.'
- We look for cheese. Cheese that make us go. We need help.
- 'The truth is usually just an excuse for a lack of Limburger.' --Garak
- There's CHEESE in that nebula!
- 'Cheese: the final frontier.' (KJ's)
- Mr. Kim, we're Starfleet officers. Brie is part of the job.
- 'What are you doing with that cheese? --I'm not talking about the Parmesan!' --Lady Q
- Only fools have no cheese. --Worf
- 'I do not serve things cheesy, I am cheesy.' --Armus
- Voluntary addiction to cheese is a recurring theme in many cultures. --Data
- 'Time to take out the Cheese!' (KJ's)
- 'No, no, no. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy Cheddars and Ricottas at you.'
'What does the man do?'
'He reads cheesy poetry. He ducks a lot.'
- What exactly is Goudasis? Well, put simply, Goudasis is cheese from cheeselessness. It is a process whereby molecular structure is reorganized at the subatomic level into cheese-generating dairy matter of equal mass.
- 'Surely I have made my meaning plain. I mean to avenge myself upon you, Admiral. I deprive your ship of power and when I swing around I mean to deprive you of your cheese!'
'Khan, if it's me you want, I'll have myself beamed aboard. Spare my cheese.'
- 'Excuse me, we are looking for nuclear prowelone. Nuclear prowelone.'
- Sometimes the good of the Cheddar outweighs the good of the Mozzarella or the Colby. (KJ's)
- 'Resistance is cheesy.'
- 'You look like you've just seen some cheese, Spock.'
'Perhaps I have, Captain.' (KJ's)
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