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last update November 12 2005

About Ryan AKA Wibbyo

Well here is where I think i'll try and tell you about me what do you want to know... send me an e-mail at if you have questions .....

OK where do I start

well I am around 6 foot 4 inches tall... weight is around 220 lbs... hehe.. im not totally fit but I manage to get around with out being short wind haha... what else... my birthday is on August 24 1976 so do the math that makes me 28 this year :P... another day older and deeper in debt ....I have one brother Terry... he is 9 years and 10 months older than me.... I figure I am a mistake oh yea my folks are still alive and kicking, my father is pretty laid back and my mother is a party animal.... she is almost 60 years old and parties more than me like what the hell is up with that... guess that is where I get my craziness but oh well... so this year I am livin home alone very weird... dont really like it but what can I do... single life sucks sometimes... So this summer since around Feb I started to change things that I do... trying to make some new friends and have met some awsome people from all over the world :D if I only had the cash to go visit them. Met a really good friend Chris we both been threw some shit so we sorta lean on eash other chris u rock man... one thing about me is I am loyal to my friends... but cross my path in a bad way and watch the hell out I dont take lying and back stabbing lightly just remember that "wink"..... I will give anyone a chance and I am workin on just listening to people... guess I should have done that long ago my life might have been differently... but dont hate me cause I am learning.... just give me time :D... so yea what else... I was born in Ontario funny eh.. but family moved here when I was 4 so yea I am an ISLAND true and true hehe... never been to where I was born but someday ... Etobicoke I think is how its spelled haha... so humm what else.. I own 2 trucks one is an 89 dakota convertable ya might have seen me around with it a few years ago but its in the works of gettin fixed up if I ever get around to it hahaha... and I drive daily a 93 dakota Ext cab 4x4 work truck :P... I used to have a cat Spot :(.. but she was put down she lived to around 12 years.. i'll post a pic up somewhere.... what do I... i'm a carpenter been licenced since 2001 lookin for that all time wicked job but hard to find... anyone out there have one for me that is full time year round im your man hahaha... been doing this crap for to long i wanna retire but dont have the funds yet lol... so fun what is that... i think its something u enjoy doing.. for me i enjoy chattin to people yea ok i have like over 200 people on my messenger no they arent all online but alot are really close friends and family from around the world so that makes up a bunch of it.... i love to meet new people... ya just never know who ya might meet and what might come about might meet a best friend or might help someone out who is in dire need of a shoulder or something cant just stand by waiting ... the type of person i am is ill stop in the dead of winter and help someone change a tire or pull them out of the ditch cause that is me... i love to help... sometimes i do it to much... :S not always good... but what can ya do lol.... hummm i enjoy playing pool... going to movies... stayin home watchin movies with the one i love amungst other things hahaha... cuddling.. kissing and hugging are some favorites of mine .....what else... i love driving around lookin at STUFF.. what ever it might be.... i also love taking pictures and lookin at them... sorta a hobby of mine maybe if yer lucky u can see my albums... i LOVE music... live tunes are the best have alot of friends in the music scene and theater scene so that is where i love it most :).. to bad i didnt play any instruments or perform in theater but i should have when i had the chance.... I am a hands on person i love to work with my hands.. dont ask me how to spell something cause if i can say it that is good enough for me hahaha... i hated school... but i loved shop class... if its broken ill sure as hell find a way to fix it... been called Mr Fixit before if that tells ya anything... ill try anything welding.. auto repair... i do anything and everything i can... oh yea i am not cheep.... i just dont blow money if i dont need to if there is a deal to be had ill find it :P...but i have also been known to spend it crazily some of you know that already lol... trucks, welders, tools, crazy drunkin nights hahaha.... its all in good fun,, but i can say i own everything i have.. and i have enough to keep me happy sept someone to love... but ... that will come at somepoint.... maybe.... im not looking im just living :)...well now... lets see where i ended off... so I have discovered lately that i can not talk to anyone :S... they make these assumptions about me.. and assume stuff... how is a person suposed to get away from this judging of me :S... women are makin me worry about my self... they say yea i wish u were more open about how u feel and such... and more honest about stuff so i am... they ask they shall recieve... so well i do and i am considered an asshole what is up with that can anyone explain that to me... so do i pretend to be a dumb mute or what :S... dosent seam to help the cause.... being honest but not saying anything strange .... i try to explain it in the best way possiable but still no prevail.. nothing... maybe i could just go away... see what happens.... no one will miss me :P... so no biggie..anyways i am takin off again for now anyways ill add to this again and change some of it up at some point so for now Cheers and chow for now Ryan..... your friendly neighbourhood crazy guy :P well here goes been ages since i updated this thing... or maybe most just read my blog to keep up to date... well... its november 12 2005 and i was up wayyyyy to friggen early.... what am i up to u say.. welll .... 29 of this month i am off this island for.. lord knows how long.. maybe 6 days... 6 months... 6 years or life... god only knows what he has for me out in the west.. i just hope something good happens... im sorta excited... but at the same time sorta nervous and scared... that is normal i guess.... but i have to do it... no choice really.. cant afford to live around here..... but anyways... there is a little bit more info on me... check out my blog if u want to keep up to date... blog.. so i have to run for now.. cheers Ry


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