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µ if your here, you just got lucky
"Out of all the other blog sites that I have signed up to and lied all over, this is to be the one to break all of that..."

µ Monday, May 17th, 2004

Well, this is the first day i have had this web site up and running. I cant believe that i can actualy write html code. its so cool, but i'm very limited; i only started doing this like a couple days ago. so this is my frist entry, and hopefully i will be able to continue this journal (hopefully i can write the code correctly). and, for personal reference, this journal is hidden among the web site, so it will always be true. i hope i can keep it 100% personal, and if anyone sees it, so be it. this is my only choice for having a truely personal journal. lizzie reads my other one and would get angry if i didnt let her read it. know, i'm sure there is a way to have a personal jopurnal other than this one, but this is a good way to practice my html shit. so thats that...and hopefully i'll have more up later.

o yea, and today i was thinking back to when me and nick used to skate and shit and i was thinking about that day before i lost my virginity to ashley. i remember being at cory's house and telling them that i knew it was going to happen, and then all of them begging me to film it. thats fuckin creepy. o and the symbol is alt 1254. anyway i'm out.

µ Tuesday, May 18th, 2004

I've been working on this damn web page for 2 hours. i know, for someone working on a website that is nothing, but i'm no expert and my eyes hurt. nick came by and gave me a cigarette so i want to go smoke it. my mom is going out with some guy tonight. and now, i know that kids have problems with their parents dating other people, but i've never had that. i'm kinda curious about how all that works but, i'm 17 and i really dont care. this web site is pretty much done. i dont know what to do with that extra page. i'll probably delete it. homework for home school pisses me off. i think i'm going back to chs next year, cuz all that work angers me. well, i'm done, i want that cigarette.

µ Monday, September 2nd

None of us can believe that the Purple Smileys Club caught us so off guard. When we woke up, all of us had purple smileys drawn on our shirts in permanent ink! We were so upset, we could hardly finish our scrambled eggs. We decided to collectively break our oath of peace towards all opposing clubs.

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