Hello There!

If Cid and I ever get round to making cutscenes for Freedom 2, this is roughly what they'll look like. They'll be a bit better looking, they'll have nice sounds on 'em - basically like little snippets of a cartoon movie that I'm far too lazy to make.

DOWNLOAD my nice swf file here.

Some notes - the first guy to walk past is David Magician. If you've ever played Freedom, he's the kickass warlock who can blow shit up. I traced over some footage of David (Da Cid, Great Pretender... whatever he calls himself) walking for this guy - because David's hair was in his face, I was unable to get the cartoon face looking remotely consistent. It *bounces*.

(I gave Cid purple shoes because he was making fun of my animating skills).

The second guy? That's none other than Scotty Freedom, mighty berserk warrior! (William Wallet to you guys :D) I'm still not sure how I'm going to get the blue face paint working correctly but I'll think of something if push ever comes to shove.

That's about it. We're still totally unsure of if we'll ever actually push the big button and make this, our first ever cartoon creation (we're used to making live-action movies, see). But anyway, if there's interest maybe we will.

BACK into the chamber...
