
Please note: I am not promoting myself, just wanted to put some stuff up for fun. It is not intended as proper gothic poetry, just a bit of fun, so if it is inaccurate or not emotional enough then chill out... I am not a 'vampyre' nor a prat who walks around town clutching roses wearing velvet in the middle of the day with an umbrella. So I apologise for not being GOTHIC ENOUGH for you. Heh. Peace and love xxx.


Snow fell as I trudged along the icy pass,
I stared in awe at the sight that unravelled, a magic land,
Unseen, untouched, pure.
A glittering toy town bustled happily down below,
Fir-trees sparkling as if covered with a thousand fairies.

As I stopped to take it in, an icy breeze ruffled my hair,
I turned to see a girl.

Her hair was a mass of golden corkscrew curls
Her face flushed with the prettiest blush.
She wore only a lace night-dress, her sticklike legs trembled
Her doll-like face, tired and afraid,
Stared at me in amazement.

Snowflakes gently kissed her delicate lashes,
Fell to those thin, skeletal cheeks,
Her small grey eyes empty, empty of all emotion
Narrowed, her fixed, stunned gaze
Turned to a glare, full of hate.

Hate that reached deep into my soul,
Its bony, cold fingers prying inside me,
Its teeth biting into my heart, consuming me,
Consuming my passion, my lust, my desires,
Leaving behind it a need to destroy -

A need to destroy everything.
A blood-curdling screech filled my emotionless body,
A screech killing all mercy, piercing deep down.
The snow that had been falling softly turned to blood.
I turned to the girl.

Her eyes were wide, a manic grin spread over her skeletal features
She hissed, bent double, coughed, bled,
Her gold curls soaked red, her long lashes filled with tears of spite,
That beautiful button nose turned up,
Those perfect teeth piercing the plump lips.

Scarlet froth bubbled and dripped from her mouth,
Her head lolled from side to side as it gushed,
She screamed lovingly as her body was destroyed,
Rolled over and over, her skin melting away,
The snow, freezing the pink flesh beyond.

I felt nothing, just saw the toy town,
Now a black mass of stinking corpses,
From the snowy horizon came a hysterical scream,
And I had a single thought in my mind:
Assumptions can be dangerous.


She walks across the road
Her heart stops.
She sees Them.

She never knows why she fears Them. They say nothing, do nothing to hurt her,
Just stare.

She enters her bedroom
Slumps to the floor.
Stares at the wall.

Eyes fixed on the profound anecdotes, taken out of books, as if they will help her.
They never will.

She plays her violin,
Soothed by the sound.
Her fears remain.

As the richness of the music grows, the feeling rises, the desire, just…
To be.

She walks to the mirror
Looks at her reflection

Examines her tiny body, her bushy brown hair, her thin lips. Wonders,
Wonders why.

She picks up a glass
Her eyes full of tears
Full of fear.

Smashes it to the floor.. A small fragment of glass pierces her pale skin.
Blood oozes.

The mirror clouds
Her frame, distorted,
Melts and fades.

Human qualities void. Love never returned, hope an illusion, a shadow,
Nothing, no-one.