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My Interviews

My first Interview was with a lady that I had lunch with at the Grafton Senior Center.

Her name- Mary Allen
Her name before she married- Mary Murray
She got married in 1944

Ryan:"Is it true you worked at the Grafton State Hospital?"
Mary: "Yes, I worked in the Willows Farm Group. I mostly worked in the cafeteria. I use to walk the patients through the tunnels. I was in charge of the patients coming into the cafeteria. Lots of times they didn't behave, we had to take them back."
Ryan:"How many years did you work there?"
Mary:"I worked there for two years. In 1941 and 1942. I use to live right there on the grounds in the Willow House."
Ryan:"Did you ever work in any other areas, such as Pines"
Mary:"No, I just worked in the Willows Farm Group. I was a Attendent there for two years."
Ryan:"Did you recieve a service award pin"
Mary:"As I recall, yes, yes I do remember getting some kind of a pin."
Ryan:"Is there anything else you can tell me about the Grafton State Hospital?"
Mary:"No, not really I wish I had some more information to give you but I didn't work there long. Hey do they still have a bowling alley in the auditorium?"
Ryan:"I'm not sure. I know that the building is on the Tufts property but I haven't had a chance to check it out yet.
Mary:"They use to have alot of recreational activities for the patients. I can give you some names of some people I know who also worked there if you want. They would know more then me."
Ryan:"Alright that would be great. Thank you Mrs. Allen."
Mary:"Your very welcome. I wish I could tell you more though."
Ryan:"It's alright. Even if you help me a little your still helping me. Thank you for your time."
Mary:"Your welcome."

The second lady I interviewed wanted to stay anonymous. I also interviewed her at the Grafton Senior Center.

Her name:Anonymous
Ryan: "Do you know anything about the Grafton State Hospital?"
Lady: "No, I use to work at Westboro. But I can tell you about the transition when Grafton State closed."
Ryan: "The more the better. So how was the transition?"
Lady: "Well the move was unorganized. The patients had a hard time adjusting but the staff had a even harder time."
Ryan:"So how did the Westboro staff treat the Grafton staff?"
Lady: "Well in laymen's terms, the Westboro staff were reluctant to show any hospitality. As for the Grafton staff, they were uncomfortable for awhile. They were upset that their hospital was one of the first of the many state institutions to close."
Ryan: "So why do you think it was harder for the staff to adjust"
Lady: "It was mostly the stress. Alot of stress was under the staff because they worked for the state and that meant they would have a job for life but after Grafton State closed the staff were scared they would lose this security because it was hard to get a state job at that time so the staff didn't know who they could trust. The Grafton employees were threatened by seniority ranking. If there was a staff who worked there for twelve years and a staff that worked for twenty the one who worked for twenty would still have a job the other one had to find a new one. The staff knew what went on in Grafton and they were afraid that their co-workers would tell on them. They were afraid that the truth would leak out. Even friendships between the Grafton staff were broken. The ones who didn't want to work at Westboro those were the ones who retired."
Ryan:"What do you mean by the truth?"
Lady:"Well in the olden days they didn't have psycologists and all these titles we have for The Department of Mental Health staff. They simply called them attendants. They would do all the nursing techniques, without any experience. Including passing out the medication. They sometimes gave the patient the wrong medication or to much. It was not about proper nursing it was about the job. If you had a job with the state you had security for life."
Ryan:"Thank you for your time."
Lady:"Your welcome"

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