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Harry Potter Fanfiction

*December This is a small Harry Potter and McGonagall bonding experience fic. Actually, I wrote this while I was on this HP/MM kick, but I don't think it absorbed much of a... relationshippy aspect. Thank god.

*Pride Ever tried to write a Harry/Draco fic where Draco stays in character? Here's my attempt. I have to say, I thought he turned out perfect.

*Really Awww, Draco's daddy doesn't love him. It's a shame. Really, it is.

*Just Another Weasley A character exploration into Ron. Turned out well.

*Hero Harry goes insane and is sad. I was very proud of this one originally, which of course meant that nobody read it and that the few people who did hated it. Oh well.

*Famished Hungry Empty Underneath Theif Predator Prey Forsaken Now here's an interesting fic. The first chapter fic I ever finished. The whole background is loosly based around M.T. Anderson's "Thirsty" world, however, I borrowed ideas from the book very liberally, so the resembelence is freakin' palpable. I can't really take credit for this as a stand alone original work; nor do I want to. I just thought that this story would be wonderful applied to the Harry Potter-verse, where Vampires are undeveloped beasties who could be firmly messed with. Plus, it gave me the opportunity to write gory angst, which is always fun. ^_^

*Porcelain A Dumbledore/Snape fic. ^_^;; It's tactfully done, however!

*Scilence Eternal To be totally honest, I have no freakin clue what this has to do with Harry Potter. It originally began as a McGonagall character exploration in verse, but then it just kinda jumped the tracks and took it's own path. A path that really doesn't have anything to do with McGonagall. Oh, well.

*Underneath The Maple Tree... Draco dies, anonomyous person reflects about it. Simple concept, satisfying results.

*Grayish Purple My attempt at satire. Marvel at the dying-ness of it!

*Have Fangs, Will Travel (unfinished) Wrong Place, Wrong Time Early Morning Aftermath Strange Happenings Well, everybody makes a self-insertion fic sometime in their life. I wrote many. -_-;; This is one of the few that survived. I believe, after reading this uncompleted load of shit, you will thank god that it is, indeed, unfinished.

*Faux Pas A Snape character exploration. Too melodramatic for my taste, but it gets it's point across.

*Fall A further glimpse into my belief that every singe character in the book series is, indeed, a homosexual.

*Peter's Sonnet This is a poem that sucks. I believe that that's an ample summary of it.

*The Perks of Being a Slytherin Stupid, pointless, Draco-bashing fluffy humor goodness.

*A Friendly, Innocent Game Of...Um...Cards? Everyone loves this fic. Everyone. God only knows why. The first in my not-exactly-a-series MWPP+L chronicles.

*Caught In The Dark (Yes, Because of Peter, Again) The second in my not-exactly-a-series MWPP+L chronicles. Partly poetry, all crap, no waiting!

*One Last Time The third and last in my not-exactly-a-series MWPP+L chronicles. I like this one. This is how I envision the last lighthearted meeting between the gang, but even now it's all coming apart at the seams.

*How The Mighty Have Fallen This is the first place I've ever posted this, because it's confusing as fuck, but damn do I love it. It's based off the King's Quest 6 premise that Death was, in fact, once a mortal man who did something he shouldn't have and was sentenced to the throne of the underworld as punishment for angering the gods. The story goes from there...

*The Wrong Way Songfic to Creed's "The Wrong Way." It's about the dude who made the philosopher's stone. It really kinda sucks.