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OFTEN the most insightful Scriptures are often the most overlooked or obscure. The reason being simple, the bible is not meant to be discerned by the wisdom of men, but rather the spirit. The Bible is more than a historical or spiritual reference, it is a living, breathing thing, A tool used by the Holy Spirit to speak to our hearts. People always question the meaning of life, when in fact it is simple. The answer is given to us...

The Apostle Paul says:
"Although I am the least of all GOD's people, this grace was given me: to preach to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ, and to make plain to everyone the administration of this mystery, which for ages past was kept hidden in GOD, who created all things,
His intent was that now, through the Church, the manifold wisdom of GOD may be made known to the rulers and athorities in heavenly realms."
-Ephesians 3:8-10 (NIV)

An Explination
What this passage is saying to us is simple yet hard to grasp because we make it so. The meaning of life, why are we here? Here it is before you. What this passage says is this: Paul was given charge to teach to the Gentiles about the Gospel and through it demonstrate to all men the truth of GOD. Also and most importantly, that through the collection of believers and all the happenings on earth, GOD's wisdom would be demonstrated to the Angels. That the Angels would be taught.

Thats it. One passage. Now the workings of this passage are not as simple as that, of course, but for our purposes it will suffice. But why, you may ask? Why is it nessisary to teach Angels?

The Nature of GOD and Creation
First of all, we must examine what we know of GOD, GOD the Father,the Maker. First it is important to understand that when you think about GOD's motives, you realize that GOD knows everything and has known everything before he made the first creation. Time, as it were, was made for created things, for beings that require teaching and growth. You see, GOD was the only Being there was, before he made anything. GOD is the only being not created, Therefore, he is perfect; he is holy. Since GOD is the only being not created, he is also perfect in knowledge because all there is to know stems from him because, well, he is everything. Are you following? OK, GOD, by nature, is also perfect in Love. Now, GOD wanted to create something to love and to love him. To create a being in perfect Love would be to create it with a will of its own, otherwise it could not decide to love GOD, it would simply do so, like a robot. GOD wanted a creature that would Love as he does, of its own free will. Here is the problem. GODs will is perfect, a created beings will is not perfect. So if GOD were to create a being with a free will, a being not perfect in knowledge as he is, he knew it would persue its own will and not GODs, because that is the way GOD is. But for GOD to persue His own will is good, because he is perfect, but for a created thing to persue its own will, it creates sin or opposition to GOD's will. GOD is therefore forced to destroy what he has created because it does not follow the natural order of his being which is to be in sync with his will. Get it? Yeah, goes over my head too. Check this out though, GOD being perfect in Love did something AMAZING! GOD devided himself into three parts to facilitate the creation.

The Holy Trinity
Now GOD has three parts. He Became the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.The father is of course the creator, the omnipotent, absolutely Holy center of everything. The Son, the most beautiful part of the Trinity, Jesus. GOD became as a man so now he is justified in forgiving creation for its shortcomings because he himself lived in the lowest state of depravity, the flesh. The Holy Ghost is the part of GOD which intercedes, through Christ, on the behalf of the depraved states of being before the Holy of Holies because it can deal with the flesh and still be Holy enough to stand before GOD in a matter of speaking. And thats why the Trinity is nessisary. Simple? Yeah, not really.

The course of human events
Now, the Trinity has been established to facilitate creation, and created beings are justified through Christ Jesus, saving depraved beings from destruction; but still this is only a temporary solution. Creation must now be taught as children are taught, they must now come into at least a finite understanding of good and evil for themselves. GOD has a perfect knowlege of evil, but created things have only the limits of there defiance as an example. So GOD created a test group, as in an experiment. In Heaven GOD created three choirs of Angels. The highest choir of Angels, the preists of Heaven basically, the seond choir, the armies of heaven, and the third choir, the messangers of heaven. Who do you think was the Archangel of the highest choir? Lucifer, the barer of light. The Great Red Dragon, who swept a third of the stars from heaven with his tail; a whole choir, a third of Heaven. The other two Archangels being of course Michael, the waring Angel, and Gabriel, the messanger Angel. So what you have is a stage set, good and evil. Lucifer was preordained to rebel so as to serve as an example of evil, and man was to serve as an example of choises made, but through Christ we escape eternal punishment for the wrong ones. So the Angels can see what happens to us, the effects of the choises we make without going through it themselves, yet we escape judgement. It is impossible for the angels to do the same because they are in the presence of GOD therefore there is no way for them to be justified in defiance. Men are seperated from an absolute knowladge of GOD by the flesh, once again to facilitate the justification of our transgressions.

The Revelation
So here it is. Angels sit and watch. They learn the rewards of good and the ends of evil through our victories and failures, as do we. All creation is taught that GOD is supreme, that his will is the way, and our own desires are fruitless outside of His. Simple. In those days, at the Glorious Revelation of GOD, mens eyes will be open and they will see with the clarity of an Angel and will weep. Satan will be destroyed with his angels as it was preordained, Angels will most likely just say something like "wow, I get it", and all creation will be in harmony. That is the end of it. Simple. To the Angels it is but a four hour football game between the devil and GOD's purpose; to men, millinia of trial and error, wisdom and folly. Faith, thats another story.

Written By Patrick Stewart

I do not pretend to know everything about GOD's purposes or even a little. I have written down what I believe based on Faith. If you have and questions, comments or complaints about what I have written, please feel free to contact me.