
   Marúawe! Comanche is an endangered language with only 850 or less native speakers, mostly the elderly. It is a Uto-Aztecan language of the Native American Comanche tribe. Learn more about the background of the language in External Links. The purpose here is to put as much info as possible of the Comanche language onto one page. I would also like to start making some interactive resources for this language and get it more onto the web where people can share it.

   Let's start with the Comanche alphabet.
a b e h i k m n o p r s t u u w y ?
a - ah, as in wander
e - between a in gate and e in get
i - ee, as in flee
o - similar to o in hope
u - oo, as in boot
u - uh, as in lust
b - between b and v in English
h, k, m, n - same as English
p - same as English, but sometimes pronounced as 'b'
r - rolled, like Spanish r
s - same as English
t - t of stop; sometimes pronounced as an 'r'
w, y - same as English
? - glottal stop, as in uh-oh (also used as traditional question mark)

   Normally, the beginning of the word is stressed. Otherwise, you will find an accent on the stressed syllable, just like in Spanish. Example: kutséena (coyote).
   Vowels that are doubled, like in onaa, are simply pronounced at length. Voiceless vowels are indicated by underlining. They are the same as the voiced vowel, but they are like whispers.

   I'm just using HTML to produce strike-outs and underlines. If you use HTML or message board codes, you should already know how to underline things. Well, here's the code for strike-out:
< s >u< / s >
   I know it's quite tedious... I'll get a font soon and probably duplicate this page with it... or something.

Numu Tekwapu - Comanche English - Taibo Tekwapu
Marúawe! Hello! (to 1 person)
Marúawebukwu! Hello! (to 2 people)
Haa marúawe! Hello! (to a group)
Noo nu puetsuku u punine! I'll see you tomorrow!
Unha hakai nuusuka? How are you?
Tsaatu, untse? Fine, and you?
Unha hakai nahniaka? What's your name?
Nu nahnia tsa _____. My name is _____.
Unha huu tomopu? How old are you?
Basics and Politeness
haa yes
kee no
haamee please
ura thanks
urako thank you very much
numu tekwapu Comanche language
taibo tekwapu English language
yuhu taibo tekwapu Spanish language
Unha numu tekwa?eyu? Do you speak Comanche?
Hakai _____ numu nahniaka? What's the Comanche word for _____?
Unha nu nakisupana?inu? Do you understand me?
U nakisupana?itu nu. I understand you.
Ke nu u nakisupana?itu. I don't understand you.
tekwapu language; word, "that which has been spoken"
numu Comanche nation
nuumu Comanche
kaiwa Kiowa tribe
haits friend (male)
haitsii group of friends
e-haitsma very close friend
tui friend (female)
taibo whiteman/stranger
wa?ipu (WAH-eepuh) woman
nuhu; nihi Comanches (dual) (nom; acc)
numunuu; numunii Comanches (pl.) (nom; acc)
pibia niwunu?nuu a Comanche band (those who talk (niwunu) big)
susumu?nuu numunuu some Comanches
yuhu nookopu fry bread
binhaa honey
binhaa taibo white sugar
nu? I (stem)
nukwu we (dual exclusive)
nunu we (pl. exclusive)
tanu we
unu you (sing.)
nu my
nuhu our (dual exclusive)
numu our (pl. exclusive)
nu Rua' unu, nu kamakung thou art my son, my beloved
sumu one
wahaatu two
pahiitu three
hayarokweetu four
mo?obetu five
naabaitu six
taatsukwitu seven
namewatsukwitu eight
wumhinatu nine
suumaru ten
kutséena coyote
kawosa coyote
oha?ahnakatu coyote (one with yellow underarms having...)
oha?ahnakatuu coyotes
sarii dog
wa?oo cat
huutsuu bird
oo?oo owl
aruka deer
puku; puke horse (nom; acc)
kwasinaboo; kwasinaboo?a snake (nom; acc)
kaaru sit
uhtu to give
pohya walk
miaru to go
tsihtiawe point
nuuka dance
yahne laugh
wuunu stand
tekwaru to speak
-poo- to write
punitu to look
nabuni to look at oneself
wekwiitu to enter
tuyaaitu to die (singular sbj)
kooitu to die (dual/plural sbj)
taabe sun
noobi hill
toyabi mountain
aawo cup
naboopu picture
tubookahni schoolhouse
kahni house
kahni nuhu two houses
kahni nuu houses (pl.>2)
na?bukuwaa? automobile (horse+horn sound)
puhihwi; puhihwihta money (nom; acc)
tsaatu good
ekapti (AYkahptee) red
oha?pi yellow
tue?tu small
pia big
suniku like that
tubitsi really
aama arm
kotsunok ?otsune ankle bone
kwasi; oha?ahnakatatuna kwasi tail; coyote's tail
mo?o hand
muubi nose
naape foot
naki ear
nunapu chest
paapi head
pihi heart
pui eye
sapu stomach
tanapu knee
tuupi mouth
wuhtamu braid

   In citation form, Comanche nouns appear with the absolutive suffix -bi: toyabi, "mountain." The suffix is discarded when the noun is inflected in any way. There are primary and compound nouns: e.g. kuhtsu, "cow"; numukuhtsu?, "buffalo"; i.e. "Comanche-people (numu) cow." Many compounds are formed with suffixes, e.g. the diminutive/endearment suffix -htsi?: tuibitsi, "brave," "young man."

   You can practice your raw numbers here! This activity does not include Comanche special characters, so just try to imagine them in your mind.

External Links
Site Description
Numu Tekwapuha Nomneekatu The name says it all. :)
Comanche @ Omniglot Background info and the alphabet.
Comanche Lodge Dedicated to the Comanche tribe. Has active forums, including a section on the Comanche language. But beware. If you are not a Native American, they will not welcome you. If you say anything indicating you are not a Christian, they will delete your post. They won't warn you, they won't argue you with you. They'll just delete you.
Comanche Hymns CD Sample and buy a CD with Christian hymns in the Comanche language.

Daily Fyren
Anglo-Saxon (Englisc):
   gedwolmann (m)
Modern English:
   heretic (noun)

Englisc fan

Sáturnesdæg, 22 Hreðmónað, 2025

Sang real - Hálig Blód
Best way to say blood...
heolfor (n) (Englisc)
sânge (n) (româneşte)
sang (m) (français)
bloed (n) (Nederlands)
krew (f) (Polish)
veri (suomi, Estonian)
кровь (русский)
gwad (m) (Breton)
Blut (n) (Deutsch)
darah (Indonesian)
fuil (Irish)
ketsueki (Japanese)
xiě (Chinese)
sanguis (Latin)
kan (Turkish)

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Created and Copyright 2005 by la fantôme.