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Mattel Hot Wheels

Unleash the beast!

This line was made from 1992-1994, consisting of cars, trucks, aircraft, spaceships and other vehicles. When you push certain parts of the vehicles, they open up their mouths and transform into animals, monsters or creatures with big teeth, tongues, eyes and stuff. They were even available as McDonalds Happy Meal toys, as an option to Barbie dolls. I decided to make this page since these were some of my favorite toys, and there are no sites on the entire internet specifically dedicated to these monster vehicles. Every now and then the Attack Packs are mentioned in a forum somewhere, and that's how the idea of this site came to be, in a thread in

Several of the Attack Pack vehicles are easy to identify, since they are marked "Attack Pack", and some even "Hot Wheels" and also have a round symbol (except for the original series of cars and the repaints of those, and the Big Ones and Biggest Ones) with a hand doing a thumps up or a scary face with fangs, respresenting the Heroic Cat Pack team or Evil Rat Pack team. Also they're all marked with "Mattel 1992", "1993" or "1994" (the years don't necessarily represent the year it was actually released though).

As far as I know there was no cartoon or comics or anything like that about the Attack Packs, but the back of the US boxes reveal information about each of the vehicles aswell as the story of Attack Pack. There were however some other merchandise made, like wristwatches (other than the ones pictured on the site, without an Attack Pack vehicle attached to it).

Some of the Attack Packs were released as repaints of the same shape of vehicle. The "Dinosaurs" were differently painted in Europe and the USA. But there are also other, more accidental variants and variations of colors, like "Maggot Mouth" and "Tankasaurus Rex". Plus a couple of unreleased ones, one which made it all the way to a collector. That collector also told me that there probably is a wristwatch of "Slaughterjaws" aswell. So, all in all with the repaints, variations, McDonalds, prototypes, wire-controlled, and wristwatches, the total amount of so far known vehicles should come to 58.

There were plenty of bootlegs of these toys aswell. I had two. One purple that you would push down and close the mouth on, which would load it and send it speeding away while opening it's mouth. And an almost exact copy Rip Rat, but bigger and with different colors, I think it ran on batteries. There are also some other Mattel toy cars around, also called "Hot Wheels Attack Pack" released in the year 2000, which apparently have nothing else in common with these monster cars. And also Mattel has re-used their ideas for some of the Attack Pack vehicles in a new very similar line called "Road Beasts", and also the name "Road Beasts" were re-used by Mattel on vehicles that had nothing to do with that line. Other similar toylines are (Jayce and) the "Wheeled Warriors", which was also made by Mattel and consisted of some monster vehicles.

I will continue to update this site as long as I have something more to add. And hopefully I'll learn some more about the Attack Pack series, as well as introduce others to the Attack Pack line and help you to identify your vehicles. Any collectors out there who are willing to contribute with some info or pictures? Maybe you have some Attack Pack or info that isn't featured here? Or if you have any Attack Packs for sale that I don't have (I only have the ones with red background in the picture) let me know.

Attention!!!: Looking to complete my collection. So if anyone out there has any of the following for sale, please contact me at
Skeletalker, Splitfire (black), Jungle Jaws, the wire-controlled, Dragonfighter, Big Mouth, or any prototype.

Thanks to KungFuMan and Corlan for alot of info and pictures! Thanks to Shawn Rengel for the Skeletalker info. And an ebay seller for letting me use her pictures from her auctions, which are currently available for sale, check them out here!

Just point the cursor over the images to see the vehicles transform into monsters. (Note: Some of these have old stickers on them that I put on when I was younger. Also, the back of the European boxes look the same, so all in the same series share the same image here "Box Back (Euro)".)

Original Series, 1992

Birth of the Attack Pack: "An energy source that promises clean, safe power for Earth is discovered in a remote rain forest. Capt. Bob "Slash" Catkin is selected to lead a team that will preserve this rain forest, and protect it from Rip and his Evil Rat Pack. While in the forest, giant beasts attack the two teams and perform a "molecule morph" - melding man, machine and monster into one. Empowered with the strength of the beasts, the power of their trucks, and the intelligence of man, the two rival teams battle for the last energy source and the future och mankind!"

0693 Slaughtersjaws
Box (Euro)
Box Back (Euro)

Nickname: Jaws
Molecule Morph: Dual-Jaw Hyena
Role: Scout
Strengths: Dual jaws clamp, then puncture their prey. Lightning quick and creative. Jaws surprises opponents with his quickness. But in quiet moments, he talks non-stop and annoys other members of the Rat Pack.

0692 Slashcat
Box (USA)
Box (Euro)
Box Back (Euro)

Nickname: Slash
Molecule Morph: Bengal Tiger
Role: Leader
Strengths: Viselike jaws crush any foe. Leadership and courage. Slash demonstrates intelligence and patience. He is strong and ferocious in battle.

0695 Sandstinger
Box (USA)
Box (Euro)
Box Back (Euro)
Box (China)

Nickname: Sting
Molecule Morph: Sahara Scorpion
Role: Scout
Strengths: Pincers inject deadly poison. Quickly and silent. Of all the Heroice Cat Pack, Sting fights with the greatest intensity. He is determined and deadly.

0696 Taran-Chewa
Box (Euro)
Box Back (Euro)

0697 Rip Rat
Box (Euro)
Box Back (Euro)

Nickname: Rip
Molecule Morph: Common Rat
Role: Leader
Strengths: Poisonous fangs rip through flesh or steel. Sinister and power hungry. Rip plans every move carefully. He is smart and has an incredible ability to survive.

0694 The Darkclaw
Box (Euro)
Box Back (Euro)
Box (USA)

Nickname: Nite Bite
Molecule Morph: Vampire Bat
Role: Stealth
Strengths: Razor-sharp wings slash unwary opponents. Determined and relentless. The Darkclaw likes to fight in the dead of night. He attacks with relish, knowing he can startle any foe his mere looks.

McDonalds, 1992

Box (Euro)

Box (Euro)

Box (Euro)

Box (Euro)

Repaints, 1992

11463 Rip Rat
Box (Euro)
Box Back (Euro)
Box (USA)
Box (China)

11461 Slashcat
Box (Euro)
Box Back (Euro)
Box (USA)
Box (China)

11462 Sandstinger
(Night Stealth)
Box (Euro)
Box Back (Euro)
Box (USA)

11464 The Darkclaw
Box (Euro)
Box Back (Euro)
Box (USA)

Big Ones, 1992

1853 Big Bones
Box (Euro)
Box Back (Euro)

1837 Blowtorch
Box (Euro)
Box Back (Euro)

Biggest Ones

4580 Slime-inator, 1992
Box (Euro)
Box Back (Euro)

Slime-Inator, A Deadly Enemy
Evil Slime-inator poses as a cement truck, covering the forest with cement. When confronted, he transforms into a giant hornet, and attacks from the air. Catching victims in his claws, he carries them to his hive and dumps Slime on them.

12036 Skeletalker, 1993

Nickname: Bone Head Beast
Molecule Morph: Giant Sand wolf
Role: Duke of the Dunes
Strengths: Lies dormant beneath the desert sands and rises for surprise attacks. Uses his ear-splitting voice to terrify his enemies and also to imitate voices the fool his foes.

Battle Birds, 1993

Attack Pack takes the battle to the sky!: "As two air search parties circle the rain forest looking for their lost comrades, they are "morphed" into Battle Birds, a strange combination of flying beast, aircraft, and pilot. Some of the BATTLE BIRDS join the EVIL RAT PACK and begin destroying the rain forest from the air in a ruthless search to find the clean energy source hidden there and rule the world with its power. The other BATTLE BIRDS join the HEROIC CAT PACK, taking the battle to the sky to preserve the rain forest, find the amazing energy source, and share a clean, green future with all mankind."

10904 Sky Vice
Box (USA)
Box Back (USA)
Box (Euro)
Box Back (Euro)

Nickname: Ripper Gripper
Molecule Morph: Fishing Eagle
Role: Air defense and rescue.
Strengths: Majestic wingspan, lightning-quick take-off, keen vision, fierce appearance, and viselike drop claw for flyby rescues or defensive ground strikes. A fearless, ever-watchful wingman.

10901 Screwdriver
Box (USA)
Box Back (USA)
Box (Euro)
Box Back (Euro)

Nickname: Wings
Molecule Morph: Hunting Falcon
Role: Heroic Battle Birds Leader
Strengths: Devastating dive-bombing ability and control. High-speed maneuverability, surgically sharp talons, and slashing teeth make him master of the sky. Can overtake and capture anything with wings.

10903 Nightslayer
Box (USA)
Box Back (USA)
Box (Euro)
Box Back (Euro)

Nickname: Night Sight
Molecule Morph: Cave Bat
Role: Evil Battle Birds Leader
Strengths: Sinister, silent, strikes without warning, even his own gang doesn't trust him when he smells blood. Lethal fangs clamp onto the neck of victims and carry them skyward for a deathroll. The most dangerous thing with wings.

10900 Splitfire
Box (USA)
Box Back (USA)
Box (Euro)
Box Back (Euro)

Nickname: Buzz Cut
Molecule Morph: Flying Siamese Lizard
Role: Tree Slasher
Strengths: Double-headed demon of destruction with daggerlike teeth. Lures flying foes in with hypnotic stare then stabs them with his poison fangs. Also has chainsaw wings that cut huge tree trunks like butter sticks.

10899 Terror-Dactyl
Box (USA)
Box Back (USA)
Box (Euro)
Box Back (Euro)

Nickname: B.C.
Molecule Morph: Mesozoic Pterodactyl
Role: Air Patrol and Reconnaissance
Strengths: Amphibious hydro-glide abilities for river patrol. Tremendous wingspan for extended gliding time, flying for hours without a wing test. Razor-sharp teeth and finger talons to rip the metallized flesh of his foes.

10902 Slaughter-Skito
Box (USA)
Box Back (USA)
Box (Euro)
Box Back (Euro)

Nickname: Itchy
Molecule Morph: Swamp Mosquito
Role: Forest Scorcher
Strengths: Breathes fire from his mouth tube to burn trees. A true pest: nervous, irritating, hotheaded, constantly gnawing at sore spots, striking fast and retreating faster. Sucks the life out of any party and the blood out of his prey.

Battle Birds repaints, 1993

12101 Sky Vice
(Winter Camo)
Box (USA)
Box Back (USA)
Box (Euro)
Box Back (Euro)

12102 Screwdriver
(Solar Shield)
Box (Euro)
Box Back (Euro)

12099 Nightslayer
Box (Euro)
Box Back (Euro)

12100 Splitfire
Box Back (Euro)

Alien Invaders, 1993

Attack Pack takes the battle into space!: "U.F.O.'S seeking a mysterious energy source in a remote rain forest are unexpectedly "molecule morphed" with jungle creatures. This results in incredible beasts with computer intelligence and alien weaponry called Alien Invaders. The Evil Rat Pack finds several A.I.'s recovering from a crash landing and reprograms them to destroy the ozone layer to fry the forest with space radiation and make it easier to find the elusive energy source. Other A.I.'s found by the Heroic Cat Pack are counter-programmed to defend the stratosphere from alien attacks."

10881 Galactibite
Box (USA)
Box Back (USA)
Box (Euro)
Box Back (Euro)

Nickname: Space Ace
Molecule Morph: Earth Worm
Role: Heroic Alien Leader
Strengths: Armed with solor collectors and four synchro-sight heat beam emitters that can turn the power of the sun on four different attackers or concentrate all its power on one target.

10879 Venus Flycraft
Box (USA)
Box Back (USA)
Box (Euro)
Box Back (Euro)

Nickname: Trap Jaw
Molecule Morph: Venus Flytrap Plant
Role: interplanetary Coverman
Strengths: In space it closes up tight and fires protonic projectiles at its enemies from two rodlike appendages. On the planet surface it opens wide and spews digestive juices on its prey to prepare it for consumption.

10878 Space Sucker
Box (USA)
Box Back (USA)
Box (Euro)
Box Back (Euro)

Nickname: Sucka'
Molecule Morph: Swamp Leech
Role: Ozone Osmosis
Strengths: Hexa-tentacles open to absorb ozone and use it as fuel for the firestorm torpedos it launches from underbelly weapon bays. Tentacles also drain vital fluids from its victims leaving them lifeless shells.

10880 Cozmo Clam
Box (USA)
Box Back (USA)
Box (Euro)
Box Back (Euro)

Nickname: Clamchop
Molecule Morph: Mud Clam
Role: Orbital Defense
Strengths: Its shell is impervious to attack. Its deep space diffraction lasers lock on anything that catches its sleepless roving eyes as naturally as you move your fingers.

10882 Maggot Mouth
Box (USA)
Box Back (USA)
Box (Euro)
Box Back (Euro)

Nickname: Big Stink
Molecule Morph: Scavenger Maggots
Role: Evil Alien Leader
Strengths: Fires a double - fractor ray that turns protective ozone molecules into ordinary oxygen molecules. Only opens its armor to feed, then strikes with the speed of light, shooting a squirming, tonguelike mass of heads at its next meal.

10882 Maggot Mouth
Box (USA)
Box Back (USA)
Box (Euro)
Box Back (Euro)

Nickname: Big Stink
Molecule Morph: Scavenger Maggots
Role: Evil Alien Leader
Strengths: Fires a double - fractor ray that turns protective ozone molecules into ordinary oxygen molecules. Only opens its armor to feed, then strikes with the speed of light, shooting a squirming, tonguelike mass of heads at its next meal.

Growlers, 1993

3171 Grizzlor

3170 Big Chill

3178 Jungle Jaws

Mane Mauler

11692 Sibertooth

Nickname: The Ghost
Molecule Morph: White Tiger
Role: Body Guard
Strengths: They call him "The Ghost" because he seems to appear out of thin air! The sight of his slashing teeth and the sound of his blood-curdling scream are enough to stop any enemy in their tracks!

11693 Thunderbear

Nickname: Spot
Molecule Morph: Rare Kobi Bear
Role: Rover Guard
Strengths: His spots are purple for poison, signaling fangs so foul that anything he even nips is doomed. If the sight of his purple spots doesn't scare his enemies, his thunderous growl will!

Last edition, 1993

Out of the mysterious mists come more machines that transform into ferocius fighting beasts! Unleash them and see who survives!

11313 Toothslayer
Box (Euro)
Box Back (Euro)

Nickname: Double Jaw
Molecule Morph: Twin-tusked Baboon
Role: Law keeper
Strengths: He cuts troublemakers down to size with his sharp with and his two sets of surgically sharp teeth. One set grabs & stabs while the other rips & tears.

11314 Riptile
Box (Euro)
Box Back (Euro)

11315 Wolveraider
Box (Euro)
Box Back (Euro)

11316 King Hiss
Box (Euro)
Box Back (Euro)
Box (China)

Nickname: Snakespear
Molecule Morph: King Cobra
Role: Desert Ambush
Strengths: Cold blodded to the max. Coils himself behind boulders just waiting for his prey to pass, then strikes with vicious speed and deadly venom!

Dinosaurs, 1993

"The ground trembles when these prehistoric predators join the fight for rare forest resources!"

10987 Tankasaurus Rex

Nickname: Tanker
Molecule Morph: Tyrannosaurus Rex
Role: King of the Forest
Strengths: Whether it's fighting or eating when this king of the Cretaceous era gets finished there's nothing left. He's a walking armored arsenal, blowing up terrain and slashing at anything that moves!

11842 Tankasaurus Rex
Box (Euro)
Box Back (Euro)

Nickname: Tanker
Molecule Morph: Tyrannosaurus Rex
Role: King of the Forest
Strengths: Whether it's fighting or eating when this king of the Cretaceous era gets finished there's nothing left. He's a walking armored arsenal, blowing up terrain and slashing at anything that moves!

11843 Stego-Striker
Box (Euro)
Box Back (Euro)

Nickname: Spike
Molecule Morph: Stegosaurus
Role: Baron of the Bogs
Strengths: When the battling beast of a bygone era lays claim to his territory there is no force on earth that can move him. He defends the ground with tail spikes of steel, spinal plates of iron, and thundering missiles!

10990 Stego-Striker

Nickname: Spike
Molecule Morph: Stegosaurus
Role: Baron of the Bogs
Strengths: When the battling beast of a bygone era lays claim to his territory there is no force on earth that can move him. He defends the ground with tail spikes of steel, spinal plates of iron, and thundering missiles!

McDonalds, 1994

Sea Creature

Lunar Invader


Battle Bird

McDonalds Totally Toy Holiday, 1993


Wire-Controlled, 1993

Radio Shack Promo
Box back

Wristwatch, 1993

The Darkclaw

McDonalds inserts



First Attack Pack commerical


Battle Birds


Last Edition

McDonalds Attack Pack & Barbie

McDonalds Totally Toy Holiday