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Hartford County Fire Emergency Plan
Hartford County Regional Fire School

Fear is an emotion indispensable for survival

Hello, and welcome to the Hartford County Fire Emergency Plan's Home Page. The graphic above is a pretty good description of the training facility we share with the Connecticut Fire Academy in Windsor Locks, CT.


The mission of the Plan is to provide Mutual Assistance to all member departments, whenever and wherever requested, for fire or any other emergency situation. To encourage active participation in all things that have to do with apparatus, hose and equipment, fire prevention, personal safety and the elimination of fire and / or other hazardous conditions, in all places and at all times. Also to unite it's members in the closest bonds of good friendship and to provide closer business and social relationships among them.


Membership in the plan is open to ALL firefighters(career and volunteer), town officials, recognized fire service corporations, individuals or businesses that deal in Fire Service supplies, equipment and the like and any person who has rendered some form of distinguished service to the Fire Service and / or the Plan. Membership in the Plan is classified into three categories: Active, Associate and Honorary.


Over 27,000 county firefighters have successfully completed training in the past twenty-five years. Training has come a long way. A change in technology has caused the county to continually update its quality of training and continually seek out the best instructors. Fire Department organizations are very important today. The secret to the success of any organization is in it's members. The success of training is in the participation of the members of the organization.

We are alive and well and looking forward to the year 2000. Our biggest claim to fame I guess would be the Hartford County Regional Fire School. We have a terrific training program and the instructors to go along with the program.

The following is a listing of both the Board of Directors Meetings and the Monthly meetings. Please feel free to come to one or all of the them, they all start at 1900, we look forward to seeing you.

Board of Directors Meetings,,
May 3,2000,,Plainville
June 7,2000,,TBA

Monthly Plan Meetings,,
Due to a change in the By-Laws, county meetings will be held every other month, the next meeting will be May 17,2000,,Connecticut Fire Academy

The Annual Dinner Meeting of the Hartford County Fire Emergency Plan will be held on June 14, 2000 at the Farmington Club. This years Guest Speaker will be Charlie Dickinson, Fire Chief, Retired, Pittsburgh Bureau of Fire, Pittsburgh, Pa. Chief Dickinson "Charlie" served 24 years in the Hayward California Fire Department working through the ranks to the position of "Staff" Battalion Chief assigned to the Chiefs Office. In 1986 Charlie accepted an appointment to the City of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Fire Bureau as an Assistant Chief responsible for the Operations Division including the Training Division. In 1988 he was appointed Fire Chief of the Bureau, serving in that capacity until retiring in August of 1998. Since retiring, he continues to be active with the Fire Fighting Task Force(NASA), while continuing to teach part time at the National Fire Academy in the Command and Control curriculum, as well as continuing his work with the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation (NFFF) on a specific project. This years program will be in two parts the first will be an overview of "TWO FIRES, TWO SEPARATE OUTCOMES". This overview will be at the Annual Dinner Meeting. For tickets to the Annual Dinner contact John Kupernik @ (860) 623-1050. Or you can drop us an email. The second part will be a four hour presentation on the two incidents. This program will be presented on Saturday June 17th. 2000, at the Connecticut Fire Academy, starting at 0830. The presentation will be free except for a donation of $10.00. The proceeds will go the Connecticut Fallen Firefighters Memorial Fund.


As a direct result of a tragic incident, the "Bricelyn Street Fire" that occurred on Valentines Day 1995. A fire in which three Pittsburgh firefighters died in the line of duty. The Pittsburgh Bureau of Fire strongly believes that there are many "lessons to be learned" from this incident. In particular Accountability and Personal Alert Safety Systems (PASS). The second fire occurred on January 1996 where four Pittsburgh firefighters were seriously injured. However, due to numerous fire ground operational changes implemented as a result of the Bricelyn Street Fire, the outcome of this fire was very different. Please come and join us, I’m sure the evening will be both entertaining and very informative. And don’t forget Saturday the 17th. At the CFA.. See you there.

Well time to run along,,If your around do stop back and visit.

If any county fire department has a webb page, and would like to link it to us. Just send us an email with the address. We would be happy to promote it...see ya soon and oh yeah,, STAY SAFE...

History of the Maltese Cross The badge of a fire-fighter is the Maltese Cross. This Maltese Cross is a symbol of protection and a badge of honor. Its story is hundreds of years old. When a courageous band of crusaders known as the Knights of St. John, fought the Saracens for possession of the holy land, they encountered a new weapon unknown to European warriors. It was a simple, but a horrible device of war, it wrought excruciating pain and agonizing death upon the brave fighters for the cross. The Saracen's weapon was fire. A s the crusaders advanced on the walls of the city, they were struck by glass bombs containing naphtha. When they became saturated with the highly flammable liquid, the Saracens hurled a flaming torch into their midst. Hundreds of the knights were burned alive; others risked their lives to save their brothers-in-arms from dying painful, fiery deaths. T hus, these men became our first firemen and the first of a long list of courageous firefighters. Their heroic efforts were recognized by fellow crusaders who awarded each here a badge of honor - a cross similar to the one firemen wear today. Since the Knights of St. John lived for close to four centuries on a little island in the Mediterranean Sea named Malta, the cross came to be known as the Maltese Cross. T he Maltese Cross is your symbol of protection. It means that the fireman who wears this cross is willing to lay down his life for you just as the crusaders sacrificed their lives for their fellow man so many years ago. The Maltese Cross is a fireman's badge of honor, signifying that he works in courage - a ladder rung away from death. -anonymous



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Some places to visit:

conn. fire academy
nice place to visit
the other fdny
firehouse magazine
Philly. Fire
Columbine High
FDNY radio chatter

more sites:

really neat page
fire fightrers memorial

