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Blur anyone?

hey- here's a pretty regular occurance, actually....a blur/britpop website....there are so many out there nowadays...graham sites are really popular right now...

what makes this one better? you ask. nothing. being totally honest, this site has the same pics you'll see everywhere else, the same sounds, no quotes, no bio. but this site has something special. STORIES.

get with it.....reading is healthy and fun! be sure to visit the stories, we're trying to switch the setup over to something a little better, so deal with it. be sure to email and flatter us....I've added some non-blur stories on, so check 'em sure to visit out guestbook/etc page!

NEW AS OF April 3, 2000: new story, the black bloodstone which is being worked on whilst you're reading it in unedited form...but it's all good!i've still been searching for a place to post Fair Weather Fans (remember that zine i did like 20 years ago?), so if anyone knows any decent site host with more than 15MB, it would be appreciated. drop Shane a line with suggestions. and as for uni, please don't wig out. it's coming. and BTF is NEVER coming again. maybe it is. i don't know it's taking a damn long time. also: stories from Rae, the rockstar and LC's updates... may the force be with me as i attempt to update...<grin>

VOTE FOR BA AND MAKE US PROUD! (we already placed well in one of these types of things...then were expelled for exploiting pop stars...hehe)

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all work © Blur Anyone? and Shane Kennedy 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001

top 10 blur songs (by shane)

~*Rings I Belong To*~
~*Other Bands*~
~*The Blur Concert*~
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