Blur anyone?
hey- here's a pretty regular occurance, actually....a blur/britpop website....there are so many out there nowadays...graham sites are really popular right now...
what makes this one better? you ask. nothing. being totally honest, this site has the same pics you'll see everywhere else, the same sounds, no quotes, no bio. but this site has something special. STORIES.
get with it.....reading is healthy and fun! be sure to visit the stories, we're trying to switch the setup over to something a little better, so deal with it. be sure to email and flatter us....I've added some non-blur stories on, so check 'em out...be sure to visit out guestbook/etc page!
NEW AS OF April 3, 2000: new story, the black bloodstone which is being worked on whilst online...so you're reading it in unedited form...but it's all good!i've still been searching for a place to post Fair Weather Fans (remember that zine i did like 20 years ago?), so if anyone knows any decent site host with more than 15MB, it would be appreciated. drop Shane a line with suggestions. and as for uni, please don't wig out. it's coming. and BTF is NEVER coming again. maybe it is. i don't know it's taking a damn long time. also: stories from Rae, the rockstar and LC's updates...
may the force be with me as i attempt to update...<grin>
VOTE FOR BA AND MAKE US PROUD! (we already placed well in one of these types of things...then were expelled for exploiting pop stars...hehe)
all work © Blur Anyone? and Shane Kennedy 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001
top 10 blur songs (by shane)
- narrowing it down to ten hasn't gotten easier since the new album came out! the top 5 are all mushed so close together it might as well be a tie! (last updated: 5-1)
- 10. End of a Century/ Look Inside America (they're the same song!!! i swear!!!)
- 9. blue jeans (it's nice but it's too fucking hard to play!!!!! grrrr! I have little hands people!)
- 8. this is a low (this song has the prettiest guitar solo ever...forward to it, lean back, and you can almost feel graham's frustration with not being able to make it any more perfect)
- 7. Beetlebum (it is the ultimate pop song. sheer perfection)
- 6. Polished Stone (i am obsessed. that's it. i am simply obsessed)
- 5. You're so Great (i can play it on the guitar sorta, it calms down my horse, [who dumped me on the ground, leaving me with a nasty bruise] and i just really like it so back off!!!)
- 4. caramel (it's the most interesting song on the new album, and there's some crazy stuff going on in there...it's just mesmerising)
- 3. strange news from another star (it reminds me of that awful night, when i didn't get to say goodbye to danny and stephen, then the next morning when i missed nev too....it makes me cry sometimes...p.s. i can play it on the guitar!!!!!)
- 2. Battle (i have no clue why. the song won't leave my god-damned head!)
- 1. COFFEE AND TV (so great it must be capitalized! graham has never sounded better, nor have I! wow...what a song! and p.s. Oh Graham I will!)
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Email: blurkirby@hotmail.com
- christ, am i sick. unfortunately, there was no room for greats such as the cure, DM, dino jr, elastica, lush, drugstore...blah blah...
- 10. ASOB- (AKA- The Arrogant Sons of Bitches, Amazing Sounds of Baldwin) another great local band...like sprout, only...add profanity, double the members, speed up the songs...scare the little kiddies...
- 9. Ash- there was a big debate about Ash or Dino Jr. I finally said Ash. how good is Goldfinger? is that not the best song written?
- 8. Sonic Youth- I don't care what anyone says. wow. they are so good. FUCK OFF.
- 7. Bjork- she is amazing. i mean....i had homogenic and i liked it. then i got debut and post and went POSTal hehe...
- 6. Belle and Sebastian- i don't even like their latest album, and i love them. If you're feeling sinister is one of the prettiest albums i've ever heard...
- 5. Cat Power- i can't think of a site offhand...her beautiful voice, amazing songs...she's great. super.
- 4. Sprout- surprisingly, this long island band has the hometown hero award as well as the #4 spot. great shows, great guys, and BETTER songs. Their website kinda sucks, though. Maybe they're just here because I love them.
- 3. Radiohead- i actually got tired of them at first. but then....i love them. thom yorke IS a giant..or something...
- 2. Pavement- i defend this band to no end. I love them, they are gods. the end.
- 1. Blur- although i must admit, i used to love them more...i don't think i stopped loving blur. i just have so many other CDs to listen to. Blur is still an example for me.