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Welcome to the Sermon Archives
of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
P.O. Box 155
585 South Street (Route 75)
Suffield, CT 06078

These sermons follow the three year preaching series used by the Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod, as found in Lutheran Worship.

These messages are freely offered for the edification of Christ's Church. If, for some strange reason, you decide to use one of these sermons and would like to remunerate the original preacher you can do so by placing a hefty check in an envelope and mailing it to the church. The church's mailing address is found at the top of this page.

The sermons are broken down by year within each series (A, B, C)and include some of the major festivals of the Church Year

To Series A--sermons added regularly

To Series B--sermons added regularly

To Series C--sermons added regularly

To Festival Days--under construction

Return to the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Home page

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