Okay, so romhacking.com is dead...
Get codecer.
Um... I've moved to http://zalas.romhacking.com/, but this page will still be here, but will not be updated
zalas and Commander
Stab with Hiryuu Honyaku is
now translating
Rudora no Hihou
Rudora's Secret
Menu: know where the stuff is, working on it
Items: Haven't
dumped them yet. I think I know where they are
Spells: I'm leaving it as they
are, in romanji form
Script: Haven't tackled them yet
Intro: I am able to
hack this, but I need a translation
Bottom Descriptions: Haven't dumped these
Alright, I'm lazy, so I'm just putting files here.
The patch, 1-16-2001
Intro images in
I'd like to thank:
JantjeB - for his kana patch, which I now base my
translation on
Square Translations - for figuring out some of the
stuff before me
Email me