Colin Talbot--Dramatist
Writings for the Stage
Featuring 'Faust Unplugged'
staged at La Mama Theatre
Faraday St Carlton
'Faust Unplugged' starred Lindzee Smith
The rights to all plays are available...
Colin Talbot has now written several works for the stage.
His first work was a one-man play titled 'Faust Unplugged' written and performed in 1999. (See details below)
Then in 2002 Colin wrote three plays which were given rehearsed readings for a public audience at Chapel off Chapel Theatre in Prahran. Lindzee Smith produced this event and Colin directed the actors in his own work.
The three plays are:
SPRINGTIME FOR HILDA was be performed at Carlton Courthouse in October 2003, directed by Emma Valente. Reviewed reasonably well in The Sunday Age... 'Sprinmgtime' is the story of a middle-class woman who contracts cancer and the tragic consequences this has on her and her friends.
Colin is currently writing a one-woman St Kilda called 'Grey Street Has Spoken' and a play about workers smoking called 'The Smoker's Club'.
Here is some information about the presentation of Faust Unplugged in 1999
'Faust Unplugged' had its world premiere at The Universal in Victoria Street Fitzroy on April 8 1999. It had a fabulous reception from everybody except the press reviewers who forgot to turn up.
La Mama Theatre attended and were impressed enough to offer Faust a short smart season at La Mama theatre so the producers decided to extend with that special La Mama season. !
Murder 2-Step is due for production at La mama in early 2005, dates yet to be confirmed, and not yet cast as of July 2004.
'Faust Unplugged' was the first play from writer Colin Talbot (novelist, author of 'Sweethearts', 'The Zen Detective' etc, songwriter etc)......................
Actor Lindzee Smith began his career at the Pram Factory and La Mama 30 years ago. Since then he has been heavily involved in off-off Broadway in Greenwich Village NYC.......................
Assisting Lindzee on and off stage was Billy T, a long-time associate of Lindzee's in Nightshift Productions.
'Faust Unplugged' is a one-man two-act play. Briefly, a rock star turns 50 on stage. We meet him in the dressingroom. A long dark night of the soul...and Mephistopheles really is the manager from Hell.
'Faust Unplugged' is a black comedy. Dark. brooding comedy.
click here to see the text of the first act of the play (c).......................................