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Dragon  Tears  Lake

This lake, at the base of Erehwon Peak,
is said to have been made from the tears shed by
a Warrior Dragon named  Ezeriel
upon the Passing of his Master,
an accomplished Wizard,

Ludwig Of Erehwon.

It was this same Ludwig who,
using more than a little of his Wizardry built The Century,
originally called
New Swan Stone,
Ludwig loved  & empowered his Castle so much, he was worried that,
if it fell  into the wrong hands,
it would spell disaster for Erehwon's people.
He placed a spell
upon The Castle just before he Passed
which made it invisible to mortals .

Nearly hidden in The Magical Myst !

There were many who tried to locate it during this time,
sorceresses & wizards, mostly, believing the secrets of Ludwigs powers
were still  contained within it's walls.
But they were met with great ferocity by Ezeriel ,
who had been commanded by Ludwig to guard  Swan Stone
until  The One True Spirit would come & free it of the enchantment.
The One DID come & it was ME!!
It took 100 years for it to happen, thus the name was changed to
The Century.

But you will read more about this
& Ezeriel
in the future installments of

Enoon's Story

Artists Rendering of The Century, circa 1869.
Notice Dragon Tears Falls, & Queens Bridge
in the backround.

Part of The Falls

Queens Bridge

Night View

There are those that claim Ludwig's Spirit dwells, still ,
in what was his beloved "New Swan Stone".

I will not affirm nor deny that this is true, as I am bound by oath !

  What do YOU think ??

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Song Title: "New Swan 2"
copyright 1999 Bruce De Boer