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Fort Stamford Report 10-17-99

Time: 5:46 p.m.
Investigator: Lyn Lukacs, Scott Moore, Jennifer Brown, Jon Nowinski, Lisa Tilson
Weather: Humid and overcast
Equipment: Video Camera, Compass(2), Thermometer
Video Tape: VHS 8mm (120 minutes)
Thermometer: Standard (merc.) 70 degrees

Phenomena witnessed by investigator

5:50-- red light near house off to right side or fort/possible reflection
6:05-- found several small holed in back area of fort- soft ground, something buried, trail in woods leading to clearing
6:22-- placed camera at front corner of garden near entrance pointed toward pit
6:40-- smell of smoke - fire, cooking?
6:41-- fog near Lisa and Lyn when we moved
- small circle of burned grass found in front field, some kind of dust found in it
- found 2 small holes in front field possibly rabbit or animal holes.. something dug in
- found gun turret in woods - vines appear to be arranged to keep people out
NOTE: possible coven activity
- found spray painted words on front gate

Something for fort or house underground
NOTE: Center of activity near mound, front field and garden-- fire not liked or allowed near certain areas.

Shadow seen near car - after leaving, strange shape seen on left-hand rear passenger window

Final Record

- shadow walked past camera in pit
- white flash in pit
- more walking shadows in pit
- talking - not group members - sounds like laughing, talking, and dogs barking... British accent
- blue flash?
- white light in camera flash
- face in tree w/ shadow?
- shadow in walkway of garden
- base of pit very dark in daylight footage
- sound like gunfire
- colored flash at base of pit
-flashing white light - possible flashlight