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Fort Stamford Report 10-24-99

Time: 7:53 p.m.
Investigators: Lyn Lukacs, Scott Moore, Jennifer Brown, Jon Nowinski, and visiting reporter
Weather: Clear, cold, and a full moon
Equipment: Video Camera, Tape Recorder, Thermometer, Compass(2)
Audio Tape:Micro Cassette (60 minutes)
Video Tape: VHS 8mm (120 minutes)
Thermomter: Standard (merc.) 40 degrees

Phenomena wtnessed by investigator

8:00-- right after entering - footsteps following group
-found narrow path in front field leading to or away from the pit
8:06-- shadow swinging near pit (like child swinging in a tree swing)
8:14-- small shadow moving in field
8:16-- shadow spotted that looked like the feet of someone standing off to the left of group while in front field
-Scott was "attacked" in pit
8:20-- Lyn was pushed while standing near pit
8:49-- shadow standing in front of or next to Jon
9:00-- shadow standing near tree close to pit
9:05-- footsteps to the left and behind the group

THEORY:: Indian spirit protects pit. Believed that someone opened astral doorway in pit.

Review of video

-something walked past camera - one of the group?
-video camera zoomed in and out on pit - no one around to cause camera to adjust