History of Raggedy Ann
This year 2000 Raggedy Ann will be turning 85 years old. She was created by Johnny Gruelle in the 1900's for his sick daughter. She was dying of a rare disease and he wanted her to have something special to hold. When he was done making Annie he told his daughter that everytime she was in pain to hug the doll and she would take the pain away. And the "I Love You on her chest was his special dedication to his daughter that he made Annie specially for her.
Welcome to Sew Sweet Creations, my site dedicated to my handcrafted Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls. These dolls are all handcrafted with alot of time and love put into each one. The faces are hand-embroidered and have the "I Love You" in a heart embroidered on the chest. They will accent your special room or for that special little girl to have and cherish for years to come. These dolls come in 3 sizes; 15" for $25.00 each; 25" for $35.00 each; and 36" for $100.00 each.
They can be made to look like a Bride and Groom, First Holy Communion, dressed for Christmas or any other special holiday or event, even Graduation. I have made them to look like Granny Annie and Grampy Andy, with grey hair instead of the red. The possibilities are endless when creating these adorable dolls. They can be dressed in any color. You choose the color and I choose the material.
Prices do not include shipping.
Bride and Groom dolls and First Holy Communion dolls prices are: 15" ~ $30.00 each; 25" ~ $45.00 each; 36" ~ $115.00 (to cover the cost of the wedding dress material). These are the only differences in prices.
To order your handcrafted Raggedy Ann or Andy doll, please e-mail with your request and I will get back to you. Thanks for visiting.
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This doll is the 15" version and sells for $25.00 per doll.
This doll is the 25" version and sells for $35.00 per doll.
This doll is the 36" version and sells for $100.00 per doll.
Sew Sweet Creations
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