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Dreams Make it Happen

heheh…I just love to mix things up…I did the back ground how I feel right now, as many of you know I graduate next week May 19th…from college with a BA in Psychology.   Well I’ve been hard at work with classes so now it’s time to play hard so I’ve fixed some of the pages that I had to take down, and added some new stuff to so I hope you enjoy them and….don’t forget to sign the guest book or tell me how you liked the pages either good or bad…J  and as a reminder, all of the poems are either mine or given to me by friends so please ask before borrowing them…


Poetry Pages

Ø     The Dance

Ø     Short Poems

Ø     Cowboy Jack

Ø     Rainy Day Blues

Ø     The Last Speech...

Ø     Poem of lost love...

Ø     Fallen Memories...

Ø     What I Did One Summer

Ø     Fun Poems Kind of Child Like

Ø     Poems from English Class 2001

Ø     Poems of love that is far away...

Ø     Poems of the ones who take care of you...

Ø     Poems of a day gone and one yet to come...

Ø     Poems of Opportunities, taken and missed...

Ø     Jeff’s Poem (Caution: talks about death)


Some of my Favorite Links

Ø      Some of my frog graphics

Ø      My Best friend's Page

Ø      Some of my drawings

Ø      Yahoo!!!



Please sign my guest book...  or View Guest Book...




Thanks to Lady J for my beautiful Gizelle bringing a dream come true to a college student to, to get to her site just click on one of the pictures..


This Camelot Dreams site is owned by Athena

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