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Elephants live in places around Asia and Africa. They are usually found in habitats ranging from thick jungles to grassy plains. African elephants once ranged north to the Mediterranean sea. They may have also lived in southwestern Asia within the last 2000 years. In fact some authorities think the elephants of ancient Syria were African, not Asian. Today African elephants range throughout Africa, south of the Sahara Desert and some other desert regions. Elephants may wander to elevations of over 5000 meters. That is higher than Mt. Whitney. You'll find the largest elephant herds at lower elevations in habitats ranging from deep forests to semi-desert scrub, savannah grasslands to wet marshes and thornbush. Elephants are generally found near water, whether a river or a water hole. Elephants use the water there to bathe! After they are done bathing they roll in the mud to help repel insects so that they are not bothered by them. Elephants are active both day and night. The elephant sleeps 4-5 hours a day usually standing. Elephants are well adapted to their enviroment. They have big tusks which dig into the soil and pick up roots and plants that can be eaten. Without these tusks the elephant would practically have to stand on its head to eat the plants on the ground!!!! Todays elephants don't always get to pick their habitat because of poaching and habitat loss, they have largely been confined to national parks and game reserves.