Websites Down:Love Hina, Inuyasha
Arcives   Polls
Poll question of the month: COMING SOON!
Hold your mouse over the picture for the name of the anime you wish to gain knowledge about!

Grey-3/19/04-Quick update- Layouts that are done. DBZ DONE! Cowboy Bebop DONE, Trigun DONE, INuyasha Home Page is Up. New button to my website is up. TADA, quick, i thought so.
Grey-3/18/04- Well the date i expected to finish the site, came and went, but i havent given up, im working on the inuyasha site now, i made a little banner for the top of here, and maveric wants me to change this page, but that day will come, first the layouts. laters...
Grey-3/7/04- The slow progress is continuing, Cowboy bebop is all down, and the layout for DBZ is up even though none of the links work. The Arcives that were once on the DBZ page are now on here along with the polls. Im taking a much deserved break for the night, i might just come back on later,or ill finish the DBZ site tomorrow. Laters


If you like the website, and you want one of your own, ill build you one dirt cheap,starting around 30 bucks, for a front page, bio, picture page, 4 buttons and 1 banner. Addtional pages cost extra. If interested IM me at greymoon69, or email me at