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I am redoing this page to reflect my current creative writing
experimentations instead of any specific chapbook content. Additionally,
all copies of Purging the Angel are out of stock and no new copies will be
made. What is Coming I have had a wonderful month filled with inspiration and experimental poetry, so much in fact that I am already playing with the idea of a 4th chapbook: Libertine.
What I think needs to happen to poetry is integrity and a pulse. I want to have my poetry beside my essays beside artwork because there should be a wholeness. That is my vision. I struggle with this when I meet people, because I have to explain that no, I do not just do poetry. Egotism? No problem. I am a competent writer, I'd like to think, and want to show that I can do more than just discuss politics or write about leaves. It's my gemini nature.

Material collected for Libertine, so far: (titles/first lines)
To All The Boys I've Loved Before
Spelling it Out For You
In Tolland It's Raining Out the Window...
Through Dark Streets Home...
By air or rolling over...
Bohemian Exile
A First & Last Seduction Poem
It wasn't an apple...
(there are a ton more I haven't listed yet)

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