- Hostas
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My Gardens: Mostly hostas - approximatly 500 or so cultivars as well a few grasses and smattering of other perrenials (no annuals allowed here). As you can see, I have quite a few (over 300) potted hostas - they look great on the deck. These photos were taken on July 7, 2001. If you are in central Connecticut, contact me for a tour (admission charge is beer!).

Here's a current list of hostas (Excel file) that I have as of October, 2001. It needs to be updated (hopefully spring of 2003 that will happen).

I have many hostas available for sale or for trade. These vary in size from strong healthy divisions to year old TC's. Contact me in early May and I should have a handle on everything that I have.

I am a member of the Tri-State Hosta Society.

One of the gardens along the side of my house

Columbus Circle doing well in a large pot

St1ptease, Patriot, Sum It Up

Bold Ruffles contrasting nicely with Wogon Gold

View of the front yard

First year T.C. plants - some outgrowing their pots already.

Along the side of the house.

Lady Isobel Barnett, Montana Aureomarginato, Sugar & Cream, etc.

Summer Breeze (a "must have" in any collection)

Reversed and Summer Music

A few of my many potted hostas including Dupage Delight and Days End (another very nice newer hosta)

I love Erie Magic

The deck has been transformed into a hosta paradise.

Another view of some of my potted hostas on the deck.

This is the view looking out the front window

Midas Touch - starting to color nicely

You've got to love the large blues

The view from behind the pond

Here's a shot of the 750 gallon pond I built. It needs some work still but it's good for now (the fish and frogs like it) and it serves nicely as the focal point of my largest garden.

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