Yahoo Epi Group is an email group for people interested in epiphyllums. I've learned a great deal about growing epiphyllums from the many knowledgeable, helpful members of this group.
Mark Piette Epi Galleria provides good information about growing epiphyllums; also sells cuttings
The Backyard Jungle (lots of good information about growing epiphyllums)
Glenn's Epi Page Information and photos of epiphyllums
EpiForums Discussion board and photos
Don's Epiphyllum World After 20 years of collecting epiphyllums and selling them in California, Don Cravalho has now offers them on his website and has a mail order catalog with photos. All his epiphyllum cuttings are $3 or $5.
Epis By Pat (online catalog of many epiphyllums. I haven’t ordered from her yet, but probably will in the near future. She’s highly recommended by people who have ordered from her.) (on online catalog of epiphyllums. I have not ordered from them yet, but have heard them highly recommended.)
Jim Hunters Epi Universe (sells epis, lots of photos and information)
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This page was last updated 03/12/06