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All About moi (sort of)!
Name: Arisonu. Well, not really. But whatever.
Local: Connecticut
Age: 13
hair: Dark brown w/ purple streaks (Ah, the joys of Blue & fucia HotTopic hair dye mixed together into some blueberry-scented purple blob)
Eyes: Purple! (lol, j/k. That's just the contact's I'm gonna get evenually, even tho I dont need glasses)
Fave... random... thing: Listerine mouthwash strips & my red leather purse!
Fave movie: Lord of the Rings, duh!
Fave quote: Sex is not the answer. Sex is the Question. Yes is the answer
Fave. color: PURPLE!!!!!!
Least fave. color: Avacado
Fave store: Rave or Hot Topic
Fave site: Chickzrock or Neopets
Fave smiley/emoticon: /0.o\

Likes: Writing, drawing (mostly anime), pacing around outside Abrcrombie & scaring the hell out of the crombies inside (no, j/k, but, it'd be fun as hell!), Jimmy Eat World, Blink-182, No Doubt, Linkin Park, some Alicia Keys, some Mandy Moore, pretty much any slow, sad song, punk rock, Writing songs, singing, acting, Mr. Bent, Ms. Pida, Mark McGrath from Sugar Ray, Orlando Bloom as Legolas in The Lord of the Rings, soda (especially diet Coke with lemon), candy (especially 3 musketeers & green apple or Plum Passion Starburts), Neopets, Invader Zim, Invader Zim shirts, Gir (from Zim), Making dolls, working on my site, boys, when someone signs my G-booki (hint, hint!) or comes to my site w/o me telling them about it, and

Dislikes: School, homework, people making fun of me, boys, Crombies (people who think they're better than other people just cuz they wear Abercrombie clothes), clones, cheerleaders (or, fear-leaders, as I like to call them), stereotypes, feeling like I have to act weird or people will think something's wrong w/ me, being pushed around, Ms. Salvas, Britney Spears, Nsync, Christina A., some Mandy moore stuff, rap that has no music (ie: most of Eminem's stuff. Sorry Angelica, if u ever see this, which I doubt.), people who think they're "all that & a bag of low-fat Doritos", and Tommy Keough.

Thanx K@te 4 the awesome doll of me!