Disease's And Cures

Neogitus Your pet's gums become sore and swollen. It has difficulty eating or drinking. Medicinal Tooth Brush Bloaty Belly This is what happens when your pet eats too much. Your pet will complain of being bloated and will refuse to eat anything. Flat-U-Less Tablets Fuzzitus This is an allergy to fluff that all pets get now and again, especially bad for JubJubs!! Fluff-Be-Gone powder Achy Head Your pet will have a nasty headache and feel very under the weather. Magic Goop Shock -A- Lots Your pet's fur will be full of static and anything it touches will give off electric sparks. Wearing Special Rubber Gloves Watery Eyes Your pet will look like it is constantly crying even though it may well be quite happy. Onion Balm NeoBlues Your pet is feeling very down in the dumps, it shows little or no interest in playing or eating anything. A Tasty Pie will cheer them up!!! Floppy Tongue Your pet's tongue has become all swollen and floppy. Your pet will not be able to close its mouth and will drool a lot. Tongue Shrinker Injection Cricky Neck Ouch - your pet's neck is very stiff and it can't move its head at all. Wear a special Neck Brace NeoMites Your beloved pet's coat is covered with lurgees that hop around and make your pet scratch. NeoMites Injection Blurred Vision Your pet will see spots and may bump into things all the time. Wearing Extra Thick Goggles Neggitus One too many Neggs can cause an allergic reaction, swelling of the ears and dizziness. Neggitus Injection Sneezles Your pet will have a runny nose and sneeze constantly. A Magic Cookie D'achoo Your pet will go into a massive sneezing fit, and its eyes will become very sore. Neopkins Shaky Flakys Your pet will start trembling uncontrollably and its skin will be dry. In extreme cases, the skin may even start to flake off. Shaky Flaky Cream Grumbles Your pet's stomach will begin to make the loudest of noises and it may be from its food Grumble Be Gone Tablets Chickaroo Your pet will think it is a chicken, pecking the ground for food and crowing at dawn. Herbal Scrambled Eggs Bloaty Feet Your pet's feet will swell and grow in size until you give it the necessary antidote. Magical Smelly Socks Kikoughela Your pet will have a sore throat and coughing fits. Kikoughela Syrup Lumps Your pet will be covered in large, yellow, itchy lumps. Medicinal Mud Bath NeoPhobia A chronic fear of leaving the house. Step Out Shoes Hoochie Coochies Your poor pet will break out in blue and green spots. Hoochie Coochie Vitamin Pills NeoMonia This is a nasty illness that needs urgent medical attention. Your pet will feel sick, tired, and grumpy until you give it the cure. Medicinal Soap Neezles Your pet will break out in red spots if it's suffering from Neezles. Neezles Jab Itchy Scratchies A nasty disease where your pet is covered in amazingly itchy red lumps. Itchy Scratchy Cream NeoPox If your pet has NeoPox it will be covered in very itchy, contagious red blotches. NeoPox Pizza NeoWarts Your pet will have big cauliflower like lumps growing on its body. Neowart Fungus Bubbles Your poor pet will constantly hiccup bubbles. Bubbles Herbal Drink Neo Flu Your pet will refuse to eat, appear flushed and be very sleepy. A handful of delicious Neoflu Jelly Pills. Fuzzy Fungus In the most severe cases your Neopets fur can turn purple as it begins to turn into a Fungus Ball. Drink one serving of Honey Blossom Extract Ugga-Ugga Possibly the worst Tyrannian disease, your Neopet's throat becomes so sore that all they can do is make Ugga noises. Warm cup of Sporkle Syrup. Reptillioritus Caused by a bite from a venemous Reptillior, the skin becomes very red and itchy. Your Neopet will refuse to eat and feel very tired all the time. Rub Cactopus Cream to affected area.

Email: uga4ever35@hotmail.com