
The Monocerous is a fearsome looking creature. It paralyzes its victims with it's terrifying bellow before attacking. Only one species is immune to the monocerous' roar and that is the shy little JubJub!

Dr. Frank Sloth

Dr. Frank Sloth is a brilliant, insane evil scientist hell-bent on the total destruction of Neopets and Neopia. Arriving at Neopia in his Space Station in year 2, he was narrowly defeated by the Space Faerie.

Sloth is best known for enslaving an entire planet of alien creatures, Grundos, and mutating them into stronger forms to draft into his army. He has vast technological resources at his disposal, including evil robots, killer clones, space ships and ancient artifacts of major destructive power...

In short... BEWARE!

Mutant Grundo

Grundos were a peaceful people living happy quiet lives until Dr. Sloth visited their planet and enslaved them. He used his huge ray gun to transform them into giant monsters. The Grundos became Dr. F. Sloth's right arm of enforcement until they were liberated by the Neopians. In their mutated state, Grundos have the strength of a hundred men but are ruthless, stupid, and slow.

Swamp Ghoul

These spectres of the swamp find their victims by the smell of their loneliness. They are forever in search of pets and owners caught alone in the fog. You will know a Swamp Ghoul, by the stench of evil and a cold chill in the air. If you have the misfortune to be visited by the Swamp Ghoul be thankful if he only relieves you of an item or two.

Lava Ghoul

The Lava Ghoul is the menace of Mystery Island. It steals then consumes your food and items with its hot lava breath. Even though it is originally from Mystery Island, it could appear anywhere in Neopia at any time. Beware of its flaming tongue, it has a reach of well over twenty feet!

Ghost Lupe

A once brave Lupe knight was killed on the shores of Mystery Island in an attempt to rescue his bride from the natives. In death his spirit is restless, desperately seeking revenge. Although sometimes this wayward spirit may aid you, his anger can easily be directed at those that disturb him... As with all the entries in this book we suggest you steer very clear!

Pant Devil

The Pant Devil is a strange fellow, rather than kill his victims he prefers to steal all their possessions and then leave the poor souls weakened for others to finish them off. They have been spotted all over Neopia so keep alert!

Grarrl Battlemaster

From the northern plains of Tyrannia, the Grarrl Battlemasters are highly trained warriors, adept in all forms of weapons. They are the generals of the evil Monoceraptor's army, ordering their thousands of troops to destroy and raze everything in their path.

Grarrls must train for at least 10 years before they can become a Battlemaster, during which they become cruel, mean and vicious beasts.


The Monoceraptor has lived for tens of thousands of years, he existed in the days before any Neopets existed on Neopia, the days where his world was desolate and volcanic. Living deep underground, the Monoceraptor has been planning a return to the surface for many hundreds of years... he will soon conquer the whole of Neopia, and the pathetic weak little Neopets will be his slaves...

Rumour has it that the return of the Monoceraptor was actually planned by some more powerful being... but what could possibly control this beast?

Grundo Warrior

The strongest and most powerful of Sloth's Grundo troops are the Grundo Warriors. Standing a full foot above the normal rank and file Grundo troops, these elite warriors are picked for special missions. Although stupid, Grundo warriors are great when you really need a city reduced to rubble, or you need to shift hundreds of boxes full of gold into your spaceship!

Grundo Commander

The slowest, strongest, and most brutal of all Grundo Warriors are elevated to the status of Commander. These elite troops serve Dr. Sloth to the bitter end. With their variety of space-age weaponry, stored in a massive shoulder-mounted utility-belt, they have a different attack for each opponent.

The Grundo Commander's loyalty to their master is unmatched, they never ask questions, and always carry out Sloths orders to the word... they all know what fate awaits them if they fall out of favour...

Rock Beast

In the final days of the Siege on Sakhmet, the Evil Dr. Sloth summoned the Rock Beast to ensure his victory and drive out the attacking Neopets. Things however did not go according to plan.

The Rock Beast is nearly indestructable, and when destroyed it can be brought back to life to fight endlessly against any number of opponents. Even seperating its body will not kill it as the individual parts will slowly move back together to reform the beast's body.

Malkus Vile

A particularly despicable character who prefers to get more gullible Neopets to do his dirty work. He will do anything, as long as the reward is great enough.

Most recently Malkus was seen organising the theft of King Coltzan's Crown with the aid of two brown Meercas.

Shadow Usul

... creeping slowly up the wall, the shadow usul did not make a sound. The light from the moon illuminated the whole area, apart from a slow, crawling blackness, an area in which no light shone. climbing up to the unlocked window, the shadow flowed inside like a river of darkness...

The Shadow Usul only appears at night, and has mainly been spotted in and around Neopia Central. What her motives are we have no idea, but we suggest you keep your wits about you.

Spider Grundo

...Step closer my pretty, I won't hurt you.... much...

This evil creature was once a Grundo before Dr Sloth made him the subject of his experiments. Now the Spider Grundo terrorises all who venture into his web.

Jelly Chia

Once upon a time, a deranged confectioner by the name of Wizzle wanted to create something that would make him famous and rich. He planned to create an 'edible friend', a pet who would be your buddy until you decided it was time to eat it.

One of his first experiments was the Jelly Chia. He looked after it, read it stories, and educated it about Neopia, until one day Wizzle got peckish. As Wizzle walked up to the Chia, licking his lips, the Chia suddenly realised what was going to happen. In a fit of desperation, the Chia launched himself at Wizzle, enveloping him, and slowly dissolving him. Nobody ever saw Wizzle again after that day.

If you look carefully at that old, disused chocolate factory on the hill, you may still be able to see this lonely Chia bouncing around, and you may still hear Wizzle's screams. Don't go inside however... whatever you do....


Formed entirely from mucus, the origins of this mutated Meerca are unknown. Maybe a paintbrush gone wrong, or perhaps a freak created by one of Sloth's hideous experiments... we will never know.

Meuka can be seen slithering around the nastier regions of the Haunted Woods eating, well.. devouring everything in his path. His sharp jaws can cut through the vegetation like butter... and the same also goes for young Neopets who wander astray. Avoid!

Commander Garoo

Nobody knows really how Garoo ascended through the ranks of Sloth's evil army so quickly, perhaps it was his mean temper, foul attitude, and utter contempt for other Neopets that caught his master's eye. Within a matter of three years Garoo had been appointed chief commander of Sloth's impending invasion, and subsequent capture of a race of small multi-coloured aliens known as Grundos...

This mean-spirited Blumaroo has not been seen since Sloth was defeated, and the Virtupets empire crumbled, however when his master returns to power we can assure you that it will not be long before Garoo comes out of hiding...


Balthazar the Lupe was abandoned by his family on the edge of the Haunted Woods as a child. He crawled, hungry and thirsty, through the twisted forest until he came upon a clearing. He could see purple lights in the distance - darkness faeries. As he asked for help they started to giggle, and then to cackle, and all of a sudden they started picking up stones and twigs and threw them at the poor Lupe. Balthazar had no choice but to run away, yelping and crying.

He somehow managed to survive in the woods, living for years alone, and he never forgot what the faeries did to him that day... Balthazar is now a bounty hunter, capturing young faeries in his magical bottles... and selling them for huge profits.

Count Von Roo

Living in the darkest reaches of the Haunted Woods, a place so dark that no sunlight at all reaches through the trees, Count von Roo is a very solitary creature... well, until he gets hungry... Von Roo has been known to glide through the night sky to nearby villages in search of a tasty snack.

Always make sure your window is closed at night, because if you leave it open, you may not be there in the morning...

Hubrid Nox

This evil, nefarious, scheming Chia makes his home atop a desolate mountain in the Haunted Woods. He lives alone, as he prefers his devilish plans not to be interrupted. Whether its conquering just one city, or the whole of Neopia, whether he uses ghosts, aliens, zombies or mutants - Hubrid has an evil plan for every day of the week.

Hubrid's arch enemy is the Wocky known as MAGAX: Destroyer. In fact their conflict is so famous in the world of Neopia they star in their very own game!


Vira was a pretty and vain Acara, spending her days playing in the flowers, making daisy chains to braid into her long hair. One day, she wished to be the most beautiful Acara in the whole of the world, but the wrong ears heard her wish. "You are pretty," the shadowy voice said. "Only I can make you beautiful..."

Ever since, Vira has wandered those same fields, kissing the flowers, but making them poisonous to the touch. The magic mirrors she gives away do not show reality, but a twisted, ugly version of it. Anyone who looks into her mirrors at first finds themselves very beautiful, but that beauty fades into ugliness, and the mirror whispers with a dark voice, "There's only one way to get your beauty back..."

Lord Darigan

His land was plagued by famine and poverty after Meridell stole the magical orb. Bent on revenge Lord Darigan spent many long years tracking down the one thing that could restore peace to his people. When he finally found the orb he begun a bitter war that left Meridell devastated as his minions stopped at nothing until they returned the orb to their master.

Sadly the orb worked its foul magic on Lord Darigan and corrupted his once honest heart. The desire for power drove Lord Darigan to plot the destruction of all Neopia until a brave knight overheard his evil plans...
