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Welcome to the Lewis-Clark Kennel Club Web Page!

There have been visiting dog fanciers since 20 November 2005.

Meetings are held second Tuesday of every month at
Rowdy's Texas Steakhouse And Saloon
1905 19th Ave
Lewiston, ID 83501
(208) 798-8712

How do I get there and what do they serve?

Meetings start at 7pm. Visitors are welcome!

LCKC 2008 Club Officers:

Charlene Shuping - President
Rick Anderson - Vice President
Herman Shuping - Treasurer/Show Chair/CGC Evaluator
Secretary - open
John Doermer - Corresponding Secretary

Board of Directors:

Randy McMullen, Board Chairman - Obedience Chair
Debby Anderson - Hospitality Chair
Jerri Davidson - Rally & Agility Chair
Alayne Porrazzo - Conformation Chair

Lynette Hiebert - 4-H Liaison

About The Lewis-Clark Kennel Club

Lewis-Clark Kennel Club was established prior to 1950 to promote interest in purebred dogs through educational and socialactivities.  These activities include dog shows, pet education and bite prevention in schools, sanctioned puppy matches, educational meetings and seminars, obedience trials, and other public activities.  The Lewis-Clark Kennel Club is interested in the welfare of purebred dogs and mixed breed dogs.  We endeavor to assist owners with any questions they may have concerning their breed and responsible pet ownership.

The general membership meets every month to discuss plans for future events.  On occasion, the meetings include guest speakers and films, as well as items of interest to dog owners such as legislation, nutrition and medical advances.

If you have further questions about our club, please contact one of the officers listed above or the

Be Responsible

Owning a dog is a responsibility as well as a source of pride and enjoyment.  Good dog "citizenship" means being considerate of others with your dog.

The Lewis-Clark Kennel Club promotes responsible pet ownership by encouraging spaying or neutering pets, responsible professional breeding practices, appropriate restraint of pets and training pets to be good citizens.

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