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X-Men: Year One is a Roleplaying game based in an alternate version of the Marvel Universe via Internet Relay Chat (IRC,) on, in the #yearone IRC channel. It uses the "Silver Age Sentinels" Tri-Stat dice system for conflict resolution - don't worry if you don't know how to play, as character creation and the rules can be explained online.

#Yearone provides two great genres for characters to try out - high powered Pulp and low powered Supers.

With an attempt to capture the flavor of the M. Night Shamaylan movie "Unbreakable," the grit and ambiance of the Tim Burton/Frank Miller "Batman", with grounding in the themes of "Watchmen", and the essential question: "What Is Human?" that prompted the original X-Men series in the first place, #Yearone might just be different from any Supers game you've played before.

Until website renovations make more detail feasible, please feel free to contact for more information.

Theme & Mood

The game ambience is "Stark grey" - there are good guys and bad guys, but the good guys have flaws and the bad guys don't always realize they're doing wrong. The end result is that, unlike the comics, there's no guarantee that the good guys will win...


Players have two choices - they can play one of the "pulp heroes" of old - men "beyond the normal" with no super powers, just high skills and a sense of adventure, or "mutants": a new phenomenon occurring in the game world. The two choices are mutually exclusive.

For various reasons, "Canon" characters - that is, the characters that exist within the X-Men universe in the comics, will not be available as player characters, only as non-player characters. Your personal character will have to be one of your own creation. Keep in mind that drawing inspiration from characters is okay, but imitation is not. It's alright, for example, to play a regenerative mutant with some sort of body weapon, but don't make that same mutant a canadian drifter who was kidnapped by a quasi-military organization's secret project.


The game setting is modern day, with a few exceptions. Since 1908, there have been several humans referring to themselves as "Adventurers" or "Pulp Heroes." These heroes have been the stewards of humanity for the past century - but their time as humanity's guardians is running out. The world is cynical, and has little use for the once universally revered costumed vigilante. It appears that the era of caped crusaders and men in masks is coming to an end.

The "Legion of Adventurers" - the premier pulp-hero organization, is in the mists of a bitter crisis. Their legacy is failing, as little by little, people prefer to turn away from the pulp heroes. The once heroes have been denounced and vilified to some extent, as doing more harm than good. And while younger blood could come in to lead the Adventurers in the next generation, the old leaders are not quite ready to give up the reigns of power - and the last glimmering shreds of fame - just yet. The once unified Legion has become fractured and chaotic, with no real momentum to push together any initiatives, and the problem gets worse.

At the same time, an odd phenomenon is occurring in the world. A handful of people have managed to tap previously unknown sources of power - power that has changed them in many ways - some good, some ill. 99% of America has not yet heard of the term "mutant" as it would come to be known, and in these early days, the "mutant" is as rare as the proverbial hen's tooth. Yet these "mutants," as they are called, could be humanity's greatest hope - or it's downfall.

Legal Stuff

"Silver Age Sentinels" is copyright 2002 by Guardians of Order Inc.
The characters "Frisco Flyer Alfred Lilienthal," "Tommy Gun," and "Red Summer" are copyright Guardians of Order, Inc.
The character "Chuck Xavier" is based loosely on the Marvel Comics Character "Professor X" and is therefore a derivative work, and the copyright of Marvel Comics, Inc.
The character "Councilman Kelly" is based loosely on the Marvel Comics Character "Senator Kelly" and is therefore a derivative work, and the copyright of Marvel Comics, Inc.
The character "Chosen" is based loosely on the Marvel Comics Character "Apocolypse" and is therefore a derivative work, and the copyright of Marvel Comics, Inc.
The Character "Erik 'Lenny' Lensherr" is based loosely on the Marvel Comics Character "Magneto" and is therefore a derivative work, and the copyright of Marvel Comics, Inc.
The Character "Unbreakable" is based loosely on the Touchstone Pictures character "David Dunn," and is therefore a derivative work, and the copyright of Touchstone Pictures, Inc. and related companies.
The Character "Mr. Glass" is based losely on the Touchstone Pictures character "Elijah Price" and is therefore a derivative work, and the copyright of Touchstone Pictures, Inc. and related companies.
The "Marvel Comics" Logo is copyright Marvel Comics, Inc.
The "X-Men" Logo is copyright Marvel Comics, Inc.
Some artwork copyright Marvel Comics, Inc.
The character group "X-Men" are the copyright of Marvel Comics, Inc.
The "Silver Age Sentinels" Logo is copyright Guardians Of Order, Inc.
All copyrights used without permission.