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Cindy Behr's home

My home is a good home...Yet,

there is another place, where my heart yearns to be!

~~~ Cindy Behr ~~~


  The place where my heart and soul yearn to be, is with the most beautiful soul in the whole world


In this section and the ones to follow, I will try to show you things that are a part of my life and some things that I would like to have as part of my please, bear with me as this is my first attempt at a web page and it may need some major surgery, but I needed to start somewhere and here it is.... there will be some pictures of me and my life and some links that I have found while surfing the net. These are the most important ones to me personally, and that does make the others that I missed out any less impressive. It is, the plain simple fact that there are to many beautiful sites to add them all.

I thought that I would show you what my Carli  looks like and tell you more about her in this section. As you may or not  know, she is transgendered and therefore you may not be interested in the things contained within this site. If this is the case please leave now, if not then continue to read my thoughts words and dreams.  

This Is Her

My Carli is very cute, lovable and can sometimes be a stroppy bitch like all women. Still, I Love her with all my heart and soul. She is funny and makes me laugh when I am feeling down. She picks up on my moods so well and knows when I need that extra bit of tender loving care. She starts my day off right as she sends me a loving text message every morning when she is at work.

How We Met

We met quite by accident. I was not looking for anybody special but she entered my life and I will never look back.

My Advice

To keep a lady really happy is to surprise her now and again with little gifts. Always make her feel wanted, important, loved and special.
Here is a tip:-
Go to bed naked one day, tie a ribbon around your waist and attach a small card with the words "Unwrap this present carefully as it is sent with lots of love"

Soon we are to married then we can spend the rest of our lives together.


I now live in Uxbridge, Middlesex, and have done for a number of years. Hopefully soon if our plans go off okay, we will be moving. Carli and I will then be living together and we can finally call our house our home.

"Soon we will be home"!

I hope that I did not scare you all too much, but, yes it is me! The one floating in mid air <grin>. I hope to be able to update the site very soon with some more pictures and other stuff 

This is my family,  although I only have three of them at home now as the oldest has recently left, and of course Carli's son. 

More to come soon!

I have reserved this section for another of my favorite things  in all the world (apart from my Carli Behr). She is called Bundle and she lives in a sanctuary in Kent near where Carli lives. She adopted her a few years ago and we visit her often, she still makes my heart race the same as it did the first time I saw her. We would love to be able to care for her in our own home and to have her as a companion. Who knows? Maybe one day.....



~~~ My Favorite Places ~~~

Serena's Sanctuary
Zoey Short's
Pandora De Pledge
The Boudoir
Bobby Jo's
Joanna's diary