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The Wolf Within; So the Wolf Without.

The Archive;

Revised Edition
Wearer of a Thousand Masks, Albeit Without a Face.
The Wolf Within; So the Wolf Without.
Names are powerfull things...
As such, I am known to many by so very many names.
My name here, I doubt, should be of any consequence.
Therefore, you may refer to me as Daedaleus, keeper, and care-taker of this humble abode.

This Site itself, as you might well be wondering, is for a project of mine. It's working title is currently; "Requiem"

It is, and I must admit, my own humble attempt at a RPG(or Role-playing Game)

The setting for Requiem is a sci-fi future in a far-flung galaxy where the once dominant government has splintered, and it's citizens are left in unknown territory to find their own way and decide just which way they will go.

I will also post into these archives another intrest of mine; meditation exercises.
Weather your here for one or the other please enjoy my meager works and feel free to contribute. A link is placed below if you would like to reach me.

Feature of Focus;

The Vixen Vh-1g Tactical Aromored Division (TAD) Standard Issue Hardsuit

My E-Mail

This page was last updated on; June 29th, 2005

Un-Satisfied Souls ServedUn-Satisfied Souls Served


  • I know it's been awhile since I've done any updates, so I'm about to try and catch up. I hope to soon add more data on Requiem as well as refine some of my html so that perhaps my site won't look so gruff when viewed by browsers like mozilla or firefox. If luck holds out I also hope to have some new planets and places of intrest to add to the growing Requiem universe.

    So please, All of you interested individuals bear with me and keep up the support. None of this would be worth it without you. And keep an eye out, there isn't much telling what I'll start adding next.

Moodswings, Anyone?
© 2000 Matthew Gill