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The Lesbian Vampire Club

(Meetings held every Thursday)

Hello....All you lesbian vampire wannabe's. Look at my beautiful pussy, I bet you wanna stroke it. I would also like to make it clear that this is a pic of me so please try to refrain from asking me who this is. Well anyway, I have a twelve step program listed for those of you who can't figure it out on their own. Also for those interested parties we have a photo contest...find the oddity. The photo will be changed on a bi-weekly basis (that's every two weeks for those of you that can't count)
Damn I'm a bitch! Anyway enjoy the page and happy hunting.

Our featured lesbian vampire for the next two weeks is Ashley...
Isn't she pretty. I'd let her bite me any day of the week but especailly on Thursdays...

12 step program to becomming a Lesbian Vampire...

Bi-weekly photo contest

Can you find the 'oddity'??
E-mail me with your answer AND your picture...
The first person to correctly answer will be featured HERE.

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!
