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Chiriad - 2000
I enter the glade by the miniature path set beside the stream. The metallic-blue leaves of the silver willow tickle the top of my head as I pace by to the rhythm of a self-written song floating through my head. The brook flows to a miniature pond fed by a sapphire waterfall. Tempted by the glassy lake surface, I take the left fork, from the gravel to a path of crushed seashells and smooth spheres of glass. I pause to slip off my white-canvas, lace-up sneakers and expose my purple-painted toenails to the warm, evening air. I step around the sleeping minnows to the huge boulder tossed into the shallows by some unknown giant. Laying back on its familiar, water-worn surface, I watch the sunset take flight on its way back to its midnight home. It is beautiful. Water and sky blend for a perfect match of deep blues, blood reds, and burnt oranges. Like a giant candle, it flickers and dies. I am alone now, yet, I am not. Suddenly the glitter of millions of fairies winks through the forest of gleaming trees. They watch me silently, but do not stir from their nests. It is not yet time for their play.

Anna (Version One) - 2001
Anna stories are a reflection of my intense need for romance. they're almost all about first kisses or the little stuff at the beginning of a relationship. so, if you don't like that kind of stuff, don't read them.

Then she kissed him. It was a soft, warm kiss, full of meaning and penned-up emotions that had been tucked away for three and a half years. And now, after all that time, she’d finally done it. It lasted only a few seconds, but to her, it seemed as if time had frozen the two of them in their own private eternity.

She pulled back reluctantly, not wanting to scare him off. She didn’t, however, look away. His eyes burned into her own as he lightly placed his hands on her bare shoulders. He leaned in and returned her daring act with all the patience and kindness she had ever hoped for.

And suddenly, it was over, like someone had woken her from an all-too-real dream.

“I can’t do this Anna,” he said, pushing her away and drifting a little farther into the deeper part of his inground pool, “I’m sorry.”

“Why?” the word had come out of her mouth before she even thought, betraying all she felt inside.

“Because you’re one of my best friends and I can’t lose you like this,” he told her, his voice cracking in the way that always made Anna and her friends laugh.

“I’m your-” her voice faltered, “best friend?” she managed. Not being one to be ruled by her reasonable side, she continued, “I don’t know what you felt right now, but that was definitely not a ‘best friend’ feeling to me.” By the time she’d finished, she was almost in tears. She hated to cry.

In the back of her mind, she knew she wasn't being reasonable, but she couldn't help it. He was telling her the truth, and she would've been dissapointed at anything less, but still, it was uncomprehendable to her. Best friends. Was that all she was? A best friend? One of the guys? Someone who would always be there for him to talk to, and that's all?

He looked at her, straight into her watery eyes, "Do you think we could really make this work?"

She nodded, a hint of a smile twitching at the corners of her mouth.

"I mean it," he said sternly, his expression bearing no resemblance to hers. She had never seen him so serious in the entire time she had known him, "I want you to really think about it, because I just can't lose you over something like this."

Anna (Version Two) - 2002
"Why won't you look at me?" she asked him, glancing uneasily at his crouching form.
"I'm thinking," he replied quietly, hardly moving at all.

She wanted to tell him to hurry up and think already! After what she just did, she wanted a reaction. It'd taken her more than three and a half years to work up the courage to kiss him. It was almost as if she'd had this mission, but now that it had been completed, all she could think about was his reaction. And that kiss! Oh, it was *almost* as good as she'd imagined, like every nerve in her body had just turned into liquid light. It was one of the most beautiful experiences she'd ever had. She and her best friend had discussed soulmates once. They decided that if they existed, and if you found them and you kissed them, or even just brushed against them, that that's what it would feel like. She hoped to god that they were right. This situation would be messy, she knew, but it would be worth it if he were her soulmate. More than worth it.

Today's Scribbles
I’m just a little tired
A little out of it
That doesn’t mean I’ll do something stupid today
I’m just a little depressed
I just don’t quite fit
My mind is stuck in no-man’s-land
I can’t let go
I can’t give in
Stop playing with my head
Just let me sleep
Don’t ask me how I am
‘Cause you don’t mean it,
They never do
So why do they ask if they don’t care to know?
Is there a hidden agenda?
Go bother someone else
I used to love you but I can’t anymore
You won’t let me
You won’t give in
Find someone else’s story line,
Leave me here,
Let me have mine
I told you no
I don’t want to play another game
The pulling is too much to bear
My mind is torn,
Ripped apart and scattered to places no one wants to know about
But they are there
Pretending can’t change reality,
Wanting badly enough is still wanting
It can’t make miracles happen

Another Set of Scribbles
I was always there
But you never were
And I always cared
You never gave a shit
About what happened
Until someone takes your place
And you get jealous
You don’t really want me
You only want to tell them
That you have a best friend
You were always better
I never mattered
It was all about you
And your life
Your excuses
Your secrets
Never me
Never what I cared about
Or what I wanted
Or what I thought would work
I wished you could see me
Like I saw you
As a kind person
Who was easy to love
And not easy to forget
But you can’t
And now I need to
Do the hardest thing
I’ve ever done before

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