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Here's my little profile that I wrote while I was bored.

My name is Emily. I live in Massachusetts. My age is not important... besides, i like people to contemplate how old i am. I go to public highschool and love it. I don't like to lie. I hate it in fact. My group of friends has been severely depleted, which just leaves me with my true friends. I can live with that though, I'd rather have people around who actually care about me, and not just posers. If you ask my friends what kind of person I am, they'd say different things. some of them'd say i was quiet/scary (those're the people who don't know me too well, i'm shy w/ ppl i don't know, and my beginning-of-last-year-semi-goth phase freaked people out), some of them would say i was cute and nice, (which i guess kind of describes me, if i don't want to be modest) but those of them who've known me since sixth grade or before would say I was obsessive, hyper, and funny. I kind of pledged to myself not to have sex or do drugs. I don't need the stress. I love my friends. Love them. they're my greatest downfalls and my strongest saviors. they're usually slightly strange, but then again, what exactly is normal? My dating situation is always changing (aka, somewhat non-existent). i trust too easily, and always give people the benefit of the doubt. I want people to be good so badly, that sometimes, i start to believe it, even if they're not. I don't know what "category" i fit into. I guess i'm kind of an emo-punk. my hair is kinda reddish-brown after an attempted home dye job last year and my eyes are brown. I'm 5' 2" and weigh about 110 lbs. I like online rpgs, music, video games, webcomics, talking on the phone, listening to other people's conversations, and sitting in on chats. I am the same online as i am in real life. i hate being fake (but doesn't everyone?). My new found obsession with webcomics typically brings me to shonen-ai, yaoi type of themes. (for those of you who don't know what that is, it means male-male relationships). My favorite comics is Boy Meets Boy. If you want more information on it or the other ones, check out the links page. I keep secrets better than a diary, and i am apparently funny according to some of my friends. people who are good friends with me end up being my best friend. i stay true to myself. i draw and paint. i write poetry, stories, and song lyrics. Mostly, I like to stay up until two in the morning having really good conversations with one of my best friends, Nicole. My favorite bands are New Found Glory, The Ataris, Millencolin, Fenix TX, Sex Pistols, Op: Ivy and some others. my favorite color varies from black to red to purple to silver, depending on my mood. My religion is undecided, even though I am a baptised and confirmed Lutheran-Christian, it doesn't seem too important right now. At school, I hang out at a place called "under the stairs." As for my sexuality? I'm straight.... i think ^_^. Well, anway, I think that's it. now you know me.

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